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We were laying across the couch watching Maury give anxious men and women the business.

I thought they were both crazy. The man did back flips once finding out the beautiful woman he chose to have unprotected sex did not birth his child. And the woman, who just swore up and down he was the only possible father, thought pregnancy tests were only invented to prove what she wanted them to.

It was far too nice a day to stay indoors but we were too comfortable to move. Dominique laid curled into a little ball between my legs, with her head lying peacefully on my chest.

These were the times I lived for. I ran my fingers over her magnetic skin and admired her beauty. Everything I touched, I'd touched a million times, but it never ceased to amaze me.

Every day I could spend hours caressing one part of her body. I might trace her lips, run my fingers through her hair, play with her toes, or whatever else I felt like doing. I was still making recordings for my memory, but now I was into more detailed descriptions.

Today I got lost in tracing the lines in her palms. I could already draw them without looking for anyone who happened to want to know what the lines in her palms looked like.

"My hands are so small," she said, laying her palm flat against mine and holding our hands up so I could see her observation. The way mine looked so much bigger than hers made me aware of how big I actually was. It made me feel like I was built solely to protect her.

"Your hands are beautiful," I said, pulling the one I had a hold of to my lips, so I could feel its beauty with my kiss.

"Tell me a poem baby."

She had gotten used to me telling her poems on call. I'd just make statements about how I felt and she called it poetry. After a while I considered it poetry too.

"About what?"

"I want it to be about touching me."

I thought for a second.

"When I touch you I feel close to God. I feel the closeness of his blessings, tangible blessings that I can experience just by our contact. I never thought something could feel so good. It's so good it's scary. Every chance I get, I touch you into my memory, because I'm afraid this can't last forever. Sometimes I wonder if-"

"Maybe I should come with you," she suggested, cutting me off.

"Huh?" At first I didn't know what she was talking about.

"I don't want you to go to L.A. by yourself. You might forget about me."

"That's impossible," I assured her, planting kisses on her hand. I'd gotten addicted to its soft feel against my lips.

"But I still want to come with you," she continued.

"You can't stay in the dorm with me."

"Mmm... see baby," she started, prepared with a response. "I found this house down there. It's got fire damage so we could get it real cheap. If we get it and fix it up, we could make a lot of money. It's in a nice neighborhood so the house has a lot of potential, we just need to work together."

"You want to buy a house together? I don't have money to buy a house."

"I'll put up all the money. I'll get a loan against the equity of this house. But it needs a lot of work so you can contribute by helping with the repairs. A lot of the work we could do ourselves, but I'd need you. I think we could go in on something like this together and make it work."

A Thin Line Between Love and Lust: A Poly Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now