Pt 1:School life (as usual)

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The whole week felt like a holiday, a trip away from the stress of life or at least it was until my parents started to search and enroll me into middle school, like why?!?!

Mon (a week later):

I'm starting to get a hang of things. My parents bought a car, an apartment, I'm going to school and everything is roughly set, except for one thing. That is FRIENDS. Making good friends as a teenager is so hard! well for me it is... I'm the shy type of girl. It's hard for me to talk to people first, or go up in front of the class, it just makes my heart beat so fast it feels like it could burst any moment. Sometimes, I think I have anxiety. 

Hours pass by and finally the bell rings. SCHOOL IS OVER... FINALLY. I rush out the door, the end of the school day is my favorite moment because it means that I can go back to my comfort zone (refers to bedroom XD).

For hours I look back through all the birthday cards, gifts and other things that my best friends gave me back in my hometown, it just reminds me of how happy I was during the old days with my friends. Now when I look at myself I have no friends, no one to laugh with, cry with, fan girl with. My eyes start to fill up with water and eventually it builds up to tears. The tears trickle down as I sit cross legged in the middle of my bedroom. My tears won't stop falling, at this rate my tears could soon create a river. I grab my phone from the side of my desk and start to play some k-pop music the only joy I have left except from my family. I shuffle slightly so that I am sitting back and head against the wall. I close my eyes and start to dream. I like it when I sleep, I especially love it when I dream, it's another way for me to escape the hardships of the real world just for a few hours....only a few hours....

Message to readers:

Here is my first part of the 'When I Met You' series hopefully you guys have enjoyed this! I will be releasing the second part soon <3<3

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