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"I'm being serious! I had this wild dream. Everything felt so real! Yeah man everyone was in it!" I said

I was currently on the phone with Maejor also known as Brandon.

"Dude you were dating this chick name Andy.. I was dating some girl name Florence. My whole dream was like a movie! What if those girls are real?"

"J you're whacked right now. It's four in the morning. You just got back from the hospital yesterday. You need rest bud." He laughed

"Me being in the hospital has nothing to do with this. I'm not crazy!" I laughed

"Well I'm tired bro I'll talk to you later." He said

"Yeah okay bye man." I said


I checked my phone and it was a notification.

I decided to go on twitter.

I don't know why but I tweeted.

I decided to look this girl up. I stumbled upon her last tweet.

It said @florencedunn "Justin."

What could that mean?

I decided to hit the follow button near her name.

I've gotten another notification and it said.

@florencedunn is now following you.

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