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Warning:there will be a little bit of smut. When there's an astrid* that's where the smut is. If it makes you uncomfortable please feel free to skip. Don't worry you're not the only person who's uncomfortable it made me uncomfortable writing it. Okay I hope you enjoy this chapter -Trin
The night before

Justin: don't come into the room yet. When you come back.


Justin: I'll text you when :)

I had been out with Pattie and Dianne shopping. We needed dresses for Justin's cousins birthday party. It took us all day to find the perfect one. We also went out for lunch but it was almost time for dinner and I was starving!

Pattie and Dianne had already gone home. I called Ryan to pick me up and take me to the hotel.

"Um you don't need to go to the hotel. Justin actually moved your stuff into his rental home." Ryan said

"Why?" I asked

"I guess he intended to stay longer and the hotel room wasn't doing it." He said

"Mmh okay." I laughed

"I promise nothing's going on." Ryan laughed nervously

"You suck Ryan and I've known you for a week now." I laughed

"We're here just get out of my car." He laughed


Justin: okay you can come in the door is unlocked.

I opened the door and revealed a cute setup for dinner.

"Hi princess." Justin said kissing me on the lips.

"What is this?" I asked

"I just wanted to do something cute for us." He laughed quietly.

"That's so sweet of you." I cooed

"Only for my princess." He said

"It smells good did you cook?" I asked

"Yep." He smiled proudly.

"Wow I didn't know you could." I joked

"Well I haven't been busy so it's nice to have home cooked meals."

I set down all of the stuff I was carrying on the couch into the living room.

"Dinners not quite ready you can go upstairs freshen up and do your thing." He said

"Okay I'm just going to put all the stuff away and I'll be right down." I said

•skip dinner•

I normally don't drink, but tonight me and Justin decided to celebrate and have fun while we're in Canada.

"Babe you have something on your lips." He said

"What is it-"

I was cut off by his lips attaching itself to my lips.

"You little shit." I laughed then continued kissing him.

I felt Justin's hand sliding up my shirt.

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