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Earlier before the accident

I woke up to see the bed was empty.

I wrapped myself with the sheet and headed downstairs.

Justin was in his briefs cooking breakfast.

I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Morning princess the foods not down yet." He said

"Good morning." I yawned

"You should shower and the food should be down by then." He said

"Okay." I smiled

"Oh Florence, I love you." He grinned

"I loveeee you toooo." I said blowing him a kiss.

"Okay go shower." He said pinching my butt

"Ow babe! I'm sore!" I laughed

"Sorry." He said cheekily

•skip breakfast•

Justin and I were walking around Stratford's mall.

"Do you think anyone's noticed me?" He asked

"I'm sure like that little girl. You should talk to her."

"Oh my god hi." She squealed

"What's your name?" I asked

"Misty." She said proudly

"Where's your parents?" Justin asked.

"Over there! They're bringing me food I think." She giggled

"Do you know who I am Misty?" Justin asked

"Yep! I'm your biggest fan juju." She smiled

"Misty who are you talking to?" I assume who was her mother.

"Oh it's nice to meet you I'm Justin." He said shaking her hand.

"Oh wow welcome back home Justin!" She said smiling

"I see you met Misty she's your biggest fan!" She said

"I'm Ariel by the way."

"Hello I'm Eric." The tall man spoke

"I'm Florence." I smiled

"Well Mistys father and I have to get Misty some food it was a pleasure to meet you Justin!" She said

We both said our goodbyes to Misty and her parents.

•skip to tonight•

Justin and I had gone to the Avon theater before we met up with Ryan and Chaz.

Justin did a mini surprise concert and let's just say I met my dreams of being one less lonely girl.

"Justin do you think they would care if we stop to get some doughnuts? I'm kinda hungry."
I whispered

"Id get anything for my princess, I'm sure they won't mind." Justin said kissing my forehead.

"Hey boys mind if we stop by Tims?" Justin asked

"I was thinking the same." Said Chaz

"You're always hungry." Justin laughed

"Tims is just around that corner." Ryan pointed out.

As soon as we crossed the street and turned that corner..

We heard tires screeching.

Before I knew it everything was knocked out of me.

I blacked out but I could hear screaming for help.

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