Toby x Bullied! Child! Self-harming! 'Insane'! Reader

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When Slenderman first found you, you were kinda in the same state Toby was. You had a serious case of C.I.P.A, which made you twitch harshly and hurt yourself since you were numb all over. Jeff and some other Creepypastas always bullied you about since you only about eight.

Today you were in your room and trying to make yourself feel pain by cutting yourself with one of the kitchen knives. You've tried all over your arms, hands, ankles, and some along your chest. You always cleaned yourself up properly afterwards. You lifted the knife off your arm as tears swelled up.

Why couldn't you feel pain? You cleaned off the knife and wrapped your arm up. You sighed and walked out your room to only get an elbow to your jawline. You fell on the ground as blood trailed down your lip.

"Did that hurt?" Oh great. Jeff the bitch. You glared at Jeff before he kicked your side. You spit out blood and coughed some more up as you tried to stand. "You hit her one more time," you saw Toby walked over as he lifted his goggles up, "I will make you to go sleep, Jeff..."

Jeff left before Toby helped you up. Tony wrapped his arms around you protectively before ushering you to his room. Toby closed the door and got down to your level. You could see his amber eyes clearly as he moved your jaw to see the damage.

"Are you ok?" Toby asked with his hands on your shoulders, your eyes swelled up with tears as you lowered your head and started to cry again. Toby sighed and pulled you into a hug before you started to cry into his shoulder. "Shhh... Jeff is an asshole. Shhh..." Toby cooed as your cries softened.

"Toby... do you think of me as a sister?" You asked as you nuzzled your head under Toby's, Toby nodded and lifted you up in his arms. You hugged Toby's neck and sniffled. "Then can I call you my brother?" You asked, Toby smiled and hugged you tighter. "What kind of question is that? Of course you can!" You smiled before you and Toby went down stairs to compete a list.

1) Annoy Masky

2) Annoy Jeff and embarrass him

3) Eat Waffles

4) Eat more waffles

5) Enjoy having C.I.P.A

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