1. Queen Bee

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"Game over Chaelin!"

I glared at her as the words rolled off her lips, causing me to tense up.

"Who do you think you are, bitch?"
I said at her through my clenched teeth, balling my fists up.

"Your worst enemy!"
She spat back at me, as she stared into my soul.

I scoffed as I let go of my fists and let my shoulders loose.

"You're really trying to mess around with me?"

I let a smirk form upon my face.

"This is a dangerous game you're playing, and I'm not sure you're up for it, are you Jessica?"

I could see her shaking from anger, as her knuckles turned white from tightening them so hard.

"Chaelin I know your dirty secrets! I know what you did!"
She said, her voice raising with every word she said.

"Know what huh? What did I do?"
I said as I walked closer to her.

"Because if I remember properly, little Miss. Sunshine isn't always so sunny is she? Don't you think Kris would agree?"
I whispered in her ear.

I saw her eyes widen with fear as she released her fists.
She looked as if she was on the verge of crying, her eyes glistening.


I hit her nerve.

"Whats wrong Jess?" I asked, fake pouting at her, "not so tough anymore, are we?"

Jessica continued staring ahead, trying to control herself from crying.


I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't ever try to mess with me again, because I'll bury you alive with your own dirty secrets."

I shot her a quick smile.

Jessica finally managed to say something,
"You're a cold hearted bitch Chaelin, and I hope you rot in hell!"

"Will do, with you of course!" I said as I winked at her,
"Now excuse me, I have better things to do."

I adjusted my shirt and began to walk away.
I stopped before turning around,

"The game's on Jess, may the best liar win."

And with that I walked away and left Jessica standing frozen in the middle of the forest.

4 years later

Chaelin's POV

Today was the day.
The day I'd be going back to the school I ruled, Lincoln High.

No one knew I was coming back, not even my clique.
I decided it would be nice to surprise my little liars, and what better day than the first day of senior year.

I looked in the mirror one more time to make sure I looked my best.

My blonde hair was curled loosely, winged eyeliner sharp as always, I had my blue contacts in, and I was wearing a black floral mini dress with wedges.

I smiled at myself, I looked as striking as always.

I grabbed my keys off my dresser and headed outside to my car.

I drove to Lincoln High, which was a 15 minute drive.

An uneasy feeling settled over me. I felt as if I was being watched.
I've had this type of feeling ever since I left junior year.

I tried shaking the feeling off.

Chaelin stop imaging crazy shit.

However the feeling still lingered inside me, deep down.

I pulled up into the schools driveway and turned off my car.

I watched students run up and hug others that they hadn't seen since the previous school year.
Everyone was catching up on what they did over the summer.

I got out my car and swung my bag over my shoulder as I began walking toward the school.

Students began turning around and I could sense their fears and horror seeping out of them as they all began to whisper and gasp.

I smirked to myself as I heard then asking if it was really me.

I continued walking into the school.

As soon I entered through the doorway, all heads turned toward me and everyone had their eyes glued onto me.

I smiled to myself,
the queen bee is back bitches!

a/n: so this chapter is short but it's just to introduce you to the main character, chaelin and another character jessica. i hope you guys enjoy it! also don't hate chaelin too much haha (she's still my fav character) and remember to vote loves!

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