Chapter 13

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Maxwells POV

Blast the clankers!" I yelled as the cockpit of the AT-TE to my left explodes into a ball of fire killing the driver and taking the rest of the walker down with it." The clankers got rockets!" The trooper to my left yells before a red bolt hits him squad in the chest and he's sent to the ground, I then see another rocket go flying toward the AT-TE to my right." AT-TE 279 watch your left side!" I yell and the gunner spins the top gun around and fires taking out the rocket." Nice shot!" I yell and fire of 3 shots from my rifle." Just doing my job sir!" The gunner says and then I hear the high pitched scream of the Y-wings as they fly over head before they bomb the droid defensive line Along with their ARC-170 fighter escort." Come on men let's finish this!" I yell and one trooper gets up and attempts to rally the rest of them but fails when he gets hit and is sent flying to the ground but the troopers still run forward and the AT-TE's continue fire off shots blowing up many areas that are left of the droid defensive line and within minutes the line falls and the droids retreat.

1 hour and 30 minutes later

I stood there the dust brushing across my armour as the gunship landed in front of me and its blast doors open and to figures walk out." Captain Razor, Ms silver!" I greeted as they walked up to me." Maxwell how go's the advancement?" Razor asks as the gunship takes off and heads back to the 3 cruisers in the sky." So far so good sir we are almost at the separatist head quarters but we lost a lot of men and 3 walkers." I says and both razor and Alexia take there helmets off." That's sad to hear." Alexia says and I take off my helmet and look at her then back to Razor." The men are getting some much needed rest and the walkers are being refuelled and prepped for tomorrow's assault on the separatist head quarters, I made sure that every trooper has checked and recharge the weapons sir!" I say and they both nod." Good job Maxwell!" Razor says and starts walking to the building where we set up a forward command." So what did the generals have to say?" I ask and Alexia looks at me." General Kenobi and skywalker and The 501st and 212th are being pulled out except for a few trooper, there needed for the invasion of geonosis!" Alexia says and I look down." Oh." I say and Alexia looks at me." What's wrong?" She asks and I look back up at her." I was involved in the first battle of geonosis... Let's just say I lost a lot of brothers that day!" I say and she looks down." Oh I'm sorry I..." She starts to say but I cut her off." Don't be they where just the first of many to die in this blasted war... There will be many more to come, but I there sacrifices will not be in vain for one day the war will end!" I say and Alexia nods." Ok come on let's go!" She says and we walk to the building where razor went.

The next day

"AT-TE 197 is down!" A trooper yells and ducks behind another downed AT-TEs leg." Blast!, the clankers are really dug in there!" I yell moving out of the way of a blaster shot but a trooper beside me isn't as lucky  when he lets out a yelp of pain as a red bolt burns its way into his chest through his dirty white armour and he falls to the ground." Keep pushing forward!" Razor yells over the sound of blaster fire and then a red bolt slams into him and he go's flying back onto the ground." Captain!" I yell and rush to his aid and when I get there razor is laying on the ground, the T-visor of his helmet cracked on one side but he's alive."medic I need a medic over here!" I yell and within minutes a trooper with light blue markings and medical insignias on his shoulders runs over." I got him lieutenant!" He says as he props him up behind a bolder and gets to work on him. Then there's a big explosion and I turn around to see another AT-TE go down after the explosion took its two front legs out from under it. I run over to it to see the driver limp in the seat and then I hear a cannon fire from above me and I look to see the gunner still controlling it and foreign off shots at the enemy he then looks and nods at me and I nod back and take the butt of my DC-15A blaster rifle and smash the window out and grab the driver and pull him out and he lets out a moan." Its ok brother I got you!" I say and then the gunner jumps down." I'll take him from here sir!" He says and I nod and run off to fine Alexia!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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