Chapter 11

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Maxwells POV

" we've reached the landing zone good luck out there!" The pilot yells and the blast doors open and me, commander hopewell, and the 13 troopers we're with jump out onto the pavement and almost immediately 3 troopers are gunned down by red laser fire and I fire back, the blue bolts heading in the direction of the enemy." Healer!" I yell and a moment later healer runs up beside me his DC-15 blaster rifle raised and firing off shots." Yes lieutenant?" He asks ducking is head out of the way of a red bolt right as it wizzes by his head and then we hear and explosion and watch as a gunship crashes into another sending it crashing a few yards in front of us as the other crashes down crushing some troopers. Then me and healer duck down behind a downed pillar from one of the buildings." Where's captain Razor and Mrs silver?" I ask and healer looks at me." They never made it to the landing zone!" He says and I lean back on the pillar." Blast!" I say and then commander hopewell Ducks down beside us." What's the status Maxwell?" She asks and I look at her." Captain Razor and Mrs silver never made it to the landing zone they were both shot down!" I say and she looks to the ground and then back up at me." What about master pine?" She asks and I get up and fire off three shots and then duck back down and look at her." He should be arriving shortly!" I say and with that a gunship touches down and general pine and 14 troopers jump out and start fighting." Push forward troopers! Don't take cover just push forward!" He yells and me, healer, and commander hopewell look at each other and then hopewell gets up deflecting blaster shots as she runs up to her general pine." Master we can't make a full out assault we would lose to many men and both Alexia and captain Razor didn't make it to the landing zone!" She yells and general pine looks at her." Then we move on without them!" He says and commander hopewell looks at him." I'm calling a retreat!" She says and with this she turns around but she never even starts walking before the blue light of general pines lightsaber pierces through her stomach and then leaves and hopewell collapses to her knees and everyone stops and looks at him." Commander! I yell and the general looks up at me is eyes now an Orangish yellow." Blast him!" I yell and we all starts firing at him but the ex-Jedi has no problem deflecting the blue bolts back at us but one still fines a way through and hits his shoulder and with that the ex-Jedi force pushes us back and runs off away from us cutting down 4 troopers who had managed to get back on their feet to tried and stop him." Let him go we got to finish this battle first before we do anything else!" I yell and we get back to shooting at the droids." Sir commander hopewell is dead but I think I know where Mrs silvers gunship is!" Healer yells from beside me and I look at him."where?" I ask. "A couple of km up to your right!" he says pointing towards a downed gunship and I nod." Ok let's go see if there's any survivors!" I say and healer nods. We both jump over the pillar we were behind and start running towards the downed gunship reaching it in no time flat." You ready?" I ask and healer nods." Ok then let's get this thing open!" I say and we both fit our hands in the small opening where the doors are supposed to seal shut and pull the door open to see dead troopers scattered all over the gunship floor with the exception of Alexia who is sitting in the back corner of the gunship and she looks up at us immediately raising her arms to block some of the light that's creeping in now." Maxwell!, healer I'm glad to see you two!" She says and I chuckle a bit." Nice to see you two Alexia but we need to get back to the landing zone!" I say and she nods as me and healer help her up." Healer take her I'll cover you!" I say and healer nods." Yes sir!" He says and starts walking away as I unholster my blaster pistols and start firing at the advancing droids and within minutes we reach the landing zone." Ok troopers this is our final stand if we lose here we all die so if the clankers get close enough use your blasters as blunt weapons!, got it?" I says and the troopers all nod and run off." Trooper did you get through to the admiral?" I ask a trooper and the trooper looks at me." Yes sir but he said that almost half of greyhound squadron has been shot down the clankers are hiting our cruises with all they got sir!" He says and I look up then back up at him." And what about captain Razor?" I ask but I get a different voice in response." Right here lieutenant!" I hear razors say and I look at him." Ah I knew you wouldn't miss the action!" I say and he tells some troopers to go fight and then turns back to me." Ya you know me... Where's Alexia?" He asks but before I can respond Alexia does." Right here now let's go win this!" She says and me and razor both nod and we all run to the front to fight.

Falcons POV

"We lost greyhound 2!" I hear greyhound 3 yell through the comm as an explosion sounds off to my right and I look to see the remains of greyhound 2s Y-wing bomber plummet to the ground in flames." Greyhound squadron break off into groups off 2 we'll split the enemy up!" I yell to the other pilots and I pull my yoke to the right steering the bomber towards the city and the desperate 208th troopers who are holding on for dear life I then look to my left to see greyhound 3 beside me." Stay on me greyhound 3 we need to give the 208th some support!" I yell as I doge some blaster fire from the enemy AA guns" I'm with you all the way greyhound leader!" Greyhound 3 says and I place my thumb right over the red button on the top of my yoke as me and greyhound 3 rapidly approach the battle field and in one quick minute I press the button." Bombs away!" I yell and pull up."ya-ho!" I hear greyhound 3 yell and then I hear someone else speak." Not a minute to soon Falcon!, good job!" I hear captain Razor say and I smile under my helmet." No problem sir good luck down there!" I say and wait for a response." Thanks falcon same to you!" He says and I turn my attention back to the battle around the cruisers." Come on greyhound 3 let's finish this!" I say and with that we both steer our bombers towards the cruisers.

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