"No." I shook my head

"Yoshiro..." he started as the door opened and the rookie nine, their sensei's, Guy, Firefly, Anko, Inoichi, Shikaku, Choza and Jiraiya walked in.

"Hey Yoshiro, How are you feeling?" Ino smiled.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and put my head on them ignoring her.

'I didn't mean to hurt her. I don't even know how I hurt her. I didn't think I did anything wrong. Maybe I should avoid her for a while so she doesn't get hurt anymore.' I sighed at the thought.

"Hokage-sama, why did you summon all of us?" Kurenai asked.

"I wanted to know what happened. When I found out he was in the hospital because of the villagers I asked around and found the people that did it. I asked them why they did it and they said he attacked one of the ninja's daughters while she was out shopping and getting fruit for her mother. I spoke to the daughter and she said he attacked her and tried to run away when he got caught." he sighed causing me to look up shocked.

'Why are they lying? I didn't attack her, I only tried to run because I was scared.'

"That's fucking bullshit." Kakashi growled.

"Kakashi..." Jiraiya warned raising his eyebrow.

"I want both sides of the story so I want Yoshiro to explain what happened before I decide the punishment for whoever's at fault here." he explained.

Everyone looked over at me expecting me to talk to them about what happened. I don't even know what happened, they just attacked me.

"What's the point?" I whispered clenching my fists.

"Yoshiro, you shouldn't get punished for something that's not your fault." Kakashi sighed.

"You don't understand Kakashi. They will find any reason to lock Yoshiro up. Even if they don't have a reason this time, they'll find one." I whispered.

"Why would you say that? The Hokage is trying to help you clear your name, you can't give up just because the villagers want you locked up. This is your home Yoshiro, you have every right to be here." Kakashi snapped.

"Yoshiro hates this village, along with all of the villagers. He's tired of this place, it's not his home. He doesn't want to live somewhere where he's not welcome." I whispered.

I noticed Naruto's eyes fill with tears as he stepped forward.

"Old man Hokage, can I talk to him alone for a second?" he asked.

"Naruto, I don't think that's a good idea, he's not....." Tsunade started but was cut off by the Hokage.

"Sure Naruto." he smiled before turning and walking towards the door.

"Thanks Jiji." he smiled before ushering everyone else out of the room.

When he finally got everyone out he sat down next to me.

"You wanna know something Yoshiro?" he asked looking down at the floor.

"Sure." I sighed looking up at him.

"We're a lot alike, me and you. You know the villagers hate me too, not for the same reasons but it's similar in a way.." he smiled.

"Why do they hate you?" I asked.

"I don't think I'm supposed to say why but I don't care, I always do what I'm not supposed to.." he laughed before continuing, more serious than before. "I have a demon fox in me. I know you weren't here for it but there was an attack on the village twelve years ago. When the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox attacked the village, many people died. I was born on that day, Lucky me...Anyway, the Fourth Hokage and his wife sealed it into me so they could protect the village but they lost their lives in the process. The Third Hokage made a rule so everyone had to keep it a secret, so I had a chance at making friends with the younger generation. Many of the villagers lost their loved ones on that day so they take their anger out on me, their children would sense their hatred and grew up hating me too. I guess I don't mind though, it's better than them taking it out on random people, I wish they would realize that I'm not the Kyuubi but I can't do anything about that. I plan on becoming Hokage and becoming the biggest hero in the leaf and the strongest ninja they've ever seen, then they'll have to look up to me and respect me. I know you might not understand why I would waste my time with them but that's what I've always wanted. I'm not gonna lie, it's tough knowing no one likes you, especially when they call you a demon all the time, but that also gives you a purpose. You get the luxury of proving them wrong. I think that'll be the best feeling in the world. I know it's gonna be hard but I don't mind a challenge. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't give up and let them win. Fight back and show them that maybe being a little different isn't such a bad thing! Show them that you're not the dangerous 'freak' they think you are." he smiled.

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