Our little Rosie

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This request was sent in by @Rosielynch124
I hope it is okay the way i wrote it and i will put it in the other story later on for sure

Kendall and Logan were currently expecting their first child a little girl they were going to name Rosie Madeline

"How is our little girl doing this morning?" Logan asks Kendall

"Why don't you ask her she would love to hear daddy's voice this morning" Kendall says as he was talking to Logan

"Hey Rosie how are you doing huh baby girl?" Logan asks as he talks to Kendall's stomach

"Daddy i love hearing your voice" Rosie says as she kicks daddy's hand since she was a happy girl that morning

"I say she is good i can't wait to meet her" Logan says as he looks at Kendall

"I know i can't wait either the suspense is killing me" Kendall says as he went to sit down to take a load off

"Speaking of which we need to talk the birth plan" Logan says to him

"Of course Logie" Kendall says cause he knew that they had to get a birth plan in place before she comes

"Okay i was thinking about having a home birth so it is safer for you and for her" Logan says as he was touching Kendall's stomach cause he loved feeling their little girl move and kick inside her papa

"Why a home birth i wanted a hospital birth" Kendall asks Logan

"With paps being out and about and i don't trust any other doctor beside the one you have and he is going out of town the week you are due" Logan says as he remembers what the doctor had told them when he was going to be out of town

"I see your point and i want her daddy to deliver her" Kendall says as he looks at Logan

Logan didn't know what to say at this point in time

"Say you will deliver our daughter Logie" Kendall says as he takes Logan hands into his

"I will would you like a water birth?" Logan asks him

"That sounds lovely and i am sure Rosie would love the water just as much as we do" Kendall says as he looks down at his belly

"She is a water girl" Logan says as he felt her kicking since she was a happy baby

"She loves water" Kendall says as he was going to look for birthing pools cause he didn't want to get the sheets ruined at all

Logan was going to get everything that they will need for the home birth since the due date was coming up quickly and Kendall could go into labor at anytime with Rosie

(Rosie point of view)

"I think i am going to go to sleep" she says as she got comfortable inside papa as she was going to go to sleep inside papa

After she had fallen asleep she woke up with a start


"Oh Rosie it's okay papa will go to the bathroom to see if you need to go princess" Kendall says as he went to the bathroom to see if that was her trouble

Kendall went and she still was scared out of her mind

"Maybe some fresh fruit will calm you down baby girl" Kendall says as he heads to the kitchen for fresh fruit since she loves fruit and veggies and some junk food from time to time when she needed it to help her sleep

Kendall saw that Logan had made a fruit salad and he had helped himself and he got himself some sherbet ice cream cause Rosie loves her sherbet ice cream since it was healthy

"Here we go sweetie let's see if that helps you since daddy or me can't do much until you are here and in our arms" Kendall says as he gave her the fruit salad and the sherbet ice cream as well

(Rosie's point of view) 

"Thank you papa" she says as she took the fruit and the ice cream cause that was going to help her sleep

Rosie was a happy girl as she felt papa movie to where daddy was

"I want daddy to sing to me" she says as she took the nutrients in through her umbilical cord since she was continuing to grow and get bigger for her parents

Rosie was glad she heard daddy's voice and she knew that daddy had grabbed one of the stories from her shelf as she was enjoying her snack

"That songs always makes me sleepy" she says as she got comfortable once more inside her papa since they were singing her favorite lullaby to her


"I think she is asleep" Kendall says as he feels to see if she was scared anymore and she wasn't so that was a good sign for Kendall and for Logan as well

"I swear that is her favorite song" Logan says as he was going to cover Kendall up since he was sleepy in general

"I think so too I can't wait to hold her as we sing it to her" Kendall says as he was going to go to sleep for a little bit since that fruit and ice cream wore him out and the ice cream made him cold as well

"Me either her room is ready so when she is ready we will be ready as soon as the pool comes ans well as everything else we need for the home birth so when she comes everything is ready for her arrival" Logan says as he kisses Kendall and his stomach where Rosie was sleeping like a little angel

Kendall was asleep in no time and Logan went to check the nursery to see what outfit she might wear when she comes as well as he blanket that had her named stitched in

"Well Rosie when you're ready we're ready" Logan says as he looks at the ultrasound picture that was in her room

V & C

Part 2 perhaps if you want

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