High school sweethearts

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Request sent in by @emolover34 I hope you like it

Kendall and Logan have been going together since high school, and when life got busy they took a break from their relationship, and saw other people. They were glad when they got back together, and once they were back together again they got married, and they decided to try to have a baby and they have not been successful in trying for a baby at all

"Well what should we do we have not been able to be successful at all?" Logan asks Kendall after another failed pregnancy test

"We could try another round of IVF and then go for adoption" Kendall says to Logan as he hugs him close

"Let's try adoption and then go IVF" Logan says to him

"Okay give you a break" Kendall says to Logan

"Yeah and if we get pregnant the natural way we do" Logan says to Kendall

"If it happens it happens" Kendall says as he starts to head up to make the room for the little one that they might adopt

(Adoption day)

"Logan are you ready to get our little girl?" Kendall asks Logan since Logan was in the bathroom throwing up

"I will after I get done being sick" Logan says as he continues to throw up

"How long have you been sick Logan?" Kendall asks him

"A month" Logan says as he continues to get sick

"Logan when we come back I'm going to pick up some pregnancy test to see if we are pregnant" Kendall says as he helps Logan up

"Are we going to get our little girl?" Logan asks Kendall

"Yeah we are" Kendall says as he helps Logan to the car so they could get their little girl


"Look Sophia there are your new parents" one of the workers in the orphanage says to the little girl who looked close to two

Sophia was scared about going to her new parents

"Sophia it's okay we are friendly" Kendall says as he holds his arms out for her

Sophia goes to her new daddy

"See it's okay Sophia" Logan says as he fights the nausea that he had building up in him

Sophia wanted papa Logan

"Hey sweet girl do you want to go to the car while we wait on daddy?" Logan asks her

Sophia nods cause she wanted to go out with papa

"You sure are cute Sophia" Logan says to her

Sophia blushes at papa cause he complemented her on how she looks

"We got you a car seat fit for a princess" Logan says to her as they head out to the car

Sophia was happy with that cause she was the princess


"Logan why don't you head into the bathroom to see if we are pregnant or not while I get Sophia adjusted to her new environment" Kendall says to Logan

Logan goes into the bathroom to see if they were pregnant or not

"Will you guys take me back?" Sophia asks Kendall

"No princess if we have a baby you get to be the big sister" Kendall says to her as he takes her to the playroom to play for a little bit while papa was in the bathroom doing what he needed to do

Sophia wanted to be the baby

"Sophia you will always be our baby girl no matter what" Kendall says as he hugs her close

"Promise?" She asks him

"I promise" he says as he hugs her close to him

Soon Logan appeared

"Well?" Kendall asks him

"We are going to have a baby" Logan says to him

"Hear that Sophia you get to be a big sister" Kendall says to get

Sophia was a little excited about the baby coming

"Sophia you get to help daddy and papa with the nursery for the new baby" Logan says as he sits with her

She started to cry

"Oh baby" Logan says as he hugs her as he takes her to her room to rock her to sleep that afternoon

"Logan we should take her back" Kendall says to him

"Nonsense we can handle her and the new baby" Logan says as he whispers so Sophia don't hear about the new baby

"Okay Logan" Kendall says as he heads to see what room can work as a nursery for the baby

(Three months later)

"Logan are you sure you are only having one baby?" Kendall asks him when he sees how big Logan was

"We will find that out today at the appointment" Logan says as he plays with Sophia little bit

Sophia wasn't happy about the baby one bit, so Kendall and Logan were going to bring her to the appointment, so she could see her baby brother or sister

"Okay princess papa going to buckle you in your car seat" Logan says as he buckles her in her car seat to go to the doctor's to check on the new baby

Sophia cooperated for Logan cause Logan sat by her when they went anywhere


"Okay Sophia hold papa's hand" Logan says as he gets her out of the car

Sophia does what she is told

"Good girl" Logan says as they head for the doctor's office to see about the baby and see if it was going to be a boy or a girl

Kendall signs Logan in cause Logan was playing with Sophia in the play area and helping her understand her role as a big sister

"Logan" the nurse calls from the room

Logan gets up and follows the nurse into the room that he was going to be in with Sophia who was holding a baby doll

"I think she had finally warmed up to being a big sister" Kendall says to Logan

"I think so too" Logan says as he lifts his shirt up for the doctor to check on the baby to make sure the baby is doing okay so far in the womb

"Hello boys" Dr. Emerson says to them

"Hey doc" Kendall and Logan say to the doctor

"I see it is time to see what you are having correct?" the doctor asks them

Logan nods

"Let's get the show on the road" the doctor says as he starts the exam

Dr. Emerson puts the gel on Logan's stomach to check on the baby

"Well i can see that you are having a boy" Dr. Emerson says when he sees the baby

Kendall was excited for a boy

"But what do we have here?" the doctor asks as he switches over to the other side

"Twins?" Logan asks 

"It looks like it and this one is a little girl" the doctor says

Sophia was very happy that she was going to have a little sister

"That got her" Logan says as the doctor continues to check him

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