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Months passed, and all was going well for the five men.

Craig's torso finished healing and now had many scars left behind, Jon and Lui have been expirementing with new meals, which the others seem to enjoy, and everything seemed perfect.
But on one extremely hot summer night, a howl was heard by the five men eating 'pasta-stacks.'

"Did you guys hear it close, too?" asked David, who wasn't sure if that was just his wolf hearing that made the howl seem closer.
Lui and the others were already standing when they all replied with a yes.

A few minutes later, everyone was out the door, weapon of choice in their hand, and running towards the continuous howl.

"Guys, he looks like he's in pain," David said, seeing the werewolf at the bottom of the hill.

"Could it be a trap?" Craig asked, knife in hand.

"I don't think it is," Evan said, beginning to walk towards the wailing man-wolf.

"Evan!" Jon whisper-yelled, quickly following Evan down the hill.

Soon after, the other three were at the werewolf's side with #jevan.

"Hey, can you change back? Or is there something stopping you from doing so?" Evan asked, slightly petting the werewolf's head.

The said man-wolf whined, which meant that something wasn't allowing him to change back.

"Okay, so it could be one of three things. First thing it could be is that it could be iron-"

"He'd have turned back by now," David interrupted.

"It's possible for some werewolves to non change back when imapled by iron," Evan explained, recalling the last time he's seen that happen.

"He said that it's not iron," David said, listening to the werewolf's cries.

"Okay, then. It could be is a spell, which would be easy to get rid of. Can you feel a strange thing that makes you feel weighed down - like a cough that needs to come out?" Jon asked, seeing that the werewolf's ears had perked up when he described the feeling.

"He said that he thinks so," David translated.

"Okay. Evan, David, bring him to the house and lay him in a spare room. Lui, Craig, come with me to find elfroot. We'll need a lot," Jon directed.

When Lui, Craig, and Jon returned with two pounds of elfroot (found around tree roots that stick out of the ground), the werewolf was breathing heavily while laying on the kitchen table.

"Okay, so we need to mash all of this together. After that, we'll need to add a drop of..." Jon trailed off, looking at Lui.

"A drop of what?" Craig asked, looking at Jon.

"Lui, stay here and help me with this. The rest of you, go keep the man company," Jon avoided the question.

He almost almost let Craig and Evan know Lui's secret - which Lui wanted to tell them later. After the others filed out of the room, Jon and Lui continued to work on the reversal spell.


The reversal spell is an incantation that requires a potion. That's basically all I can say to not ruin the next chapter.

(and I know this is short. very sorry about that, but I wanted to get a chapter out asap because of my little break)

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