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Butterflies. That's what Evan felt in his stomach. It wasn't the happy, ticklish butterflies that he used to get from Jonathan, no, it was something else. Evan was running down the dark corridors in the castle. He heard growling coming from behind him. 'There's got to be someone here! They couldn't just leave me without notice!' Evan thought while breaking a sweat.

He saw a silhouette on the side of the hall. "RUN!" He yelled, trying to save the mysterious person, but the man wouldn't move.

'What is that man doing?! He'll get killed!' "RUN, SIR!"

The closer I got, the more I realized that that wasn't only a man. It was Jonathan, and he was kissing a woman. Jon had taken his arm off of the wall and had looked at Evan (who had stopped running from the angered beast behind them). Jon smiled. "You knew this was what had been happening, Evan. You had a feeling that I was cheating on you, and I was. You knew this, and yet you stayed. I pity you - that's why I didn't break your puny, little human heart. But now you know, and I should just let Luke kill you. I should let your "beast" kill him, shouldn't I, babe?" Jon looked down at the woman (who seemed very familiar to Evan), who was staring at Evan with a smirk.

"No, love, you should let him live, let him suffer, knowing that he lost something he never even had." Jon grinned widly. "Well, Bear, you heard her. You shall live, but you still need to get out of here. We own this castle now, and you can't do anything with your weak soul. You'd better start running, Luke's right behind you."

Evan had tears threatening to come out of his eyes. He looked behind him and saw a familiar face. "Luke, kill me if Jon had once loved me. You know that he loved me, right? You know that we were once a powerful team. You know he was meeting me under the cantata ligno [enchanted tree in Latin]. You know that, even with her," Evan said with venom, pointing to the woman, "he still loved me. He was with me for nearly 351 years. You know the truth." Luke stepped back, looking at Jon with a slight glint of confusion in his eyes. He didn't know how to respond, so he stepped foward and barred his teeth. He was holding onto Evan and took a glance at Jon. Jon was staring at Evan as if he wasn't over him.

Just as Luke was about to bite down, Jon yelled. "No! Luke, you know you can't... Evan, I love you, I'm... sorry..."

"I don't accept your apology."


"Jon, you left me. You made it so that I was only able to be killed by your kind. You made me live 100 years without you. You made me live longer than our children. She said she wanted me to live? Jon, I'm already dead. I was killed when our children died. I died when you disappeared. I died when I found out that your body was found. I died when I realized I would never be able to see you again. I died so long ago that I don't remember what it's like to feel alive. You killed me and I will never forgive you for it."



"Jonathan, wake up. We need to talk."

Jonathan rose with a yawn. He opened his eyes to see a blurry Evan. Rubbing his eye, Jon greeted his boyfriend with a kiss. "Good morning, beautiful," Jon said, not noticing Evan's distraught face. "What did you need to talk about?" Evan sighed. "Jon... I think... I think we should take a break."

Jon's smile fell from his face. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to do. "N-no... I thought... I thought I was doing a good job... I thought..." Tears started falling from Jon's now fully opened eyes. "H- What did I do wrong, Evan? Why... why do you want a... a break?" "Jon, it's not you, I promise. Someone... someone else... I met someone else, I'm sorry."

Anger had started to take over Jon's emotions. "Someone else? Someone's better than me? Who is this 'someone,' huh? Who could take your heart from me, huh?" Jon furrowed his eyebrows, something he does when he gets angry.

"Jon, come with me."

They walked outside of the room and into the halls. There was a man at the end, facing the opposite direction. He was tall and seemed familiar to Jon. "Tyler, come here."

Tyler turned around to face Jonathan. He smirked. "Hello, Delirious," Tyler said, sticking out his hand for Jon to shake.

"Wildcat, I should've known." Jon said, smacking Tyler's hand away.

"Delirious? Wildcat? You... You two know each other?" Evan asked, confused.

"He's "family", and he always takes what's mine away from me." (J)

"That's a lie, you take what's mine before I can claim it." (T)

*No. There's a reason why you're not allowed to go to infernum (hell) anymore. You're too much of an annoyance and a disgrace." (J)

"And you're saying being with Evan isn't disgraceful? Maybe I should just go tell your father, he'd be happy to talk to me about your whereabouts, y'know." (T)

"You know what? Have him, Evan. Maybe you'll learn from it. See you when you go to hell." (J)

With that, Jon waved his hands and created a stairway to hell.

Descending into the darkness, Jon heard Evan's silent pleads for Jon to come back.

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