20-Can we all do this?

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A/N Here it is! Let me know what you thought! I would love to get feedback. :D Thank you. 

He felt as if he's been freed from prison! Those white walls felt like paradise at the moment, the long halls that seemed to go on for miles! He was working extra hard that morning, breathing wasn't coming easy and he didn't want to use the oxygen tank. There was already an IV in his right arm which he really didn't even feel since it's been there for so long. And a small spot on the right side of his abdomen was sore where the feeding tube has been placed. He just had his first feeding and his appetite has been much better. That's because he didn't have any more stomach aches or nausea. He really wanted regular food for the first time in awhile, one of the breakfasts Agustin would make. Anyhow he did feel full which was a plus because when he woke up his stomach was begging for something to eat.

"Brooks, maybe you should sit a while." Suggested his Mama for what felt like the millionth time. She was pushing a wheelchair, one he refused to use. Of course, he wasn't really free, the IV pump was pulling behind him attached to the pole sticking out at the top of the wheelchair. But he felt good today, he couldn't really remember anything about his stay in the hospital, that is except for the many needles and ultrasounds he's had. It was a wonder he was even still there, he couldn't remember living, but there was two thing, Brighton, and the book. Of all things he remembered her and the book, that was something he couldn't forget.

"I'm okay Mama, just a little bit longer." Said Brooks, he was walking close enough to the wall in case he had a stumble.

"My determined boy, you have amazed me from the day you were born." She sounded happy to Brooks, that was another thing he remembered, a lot of crying and worry. He would lay there and look up at the faces around him. The ones he was sure he knew but he couldn't figure it out. If it wasn't for them telling him who they were he wouldn't have known what to call them.

"Mama, are you okay?" Brooks asked from over his shoulder.

"Brooks I see you walking and smiling, of course, I'm okay!" He heard a smile in her voice so turned around to see it. The fast motion made him dizzy so that he stumbled a bit. "Brooks!"

Brooks caught himself by grasping the wall beside him. He stood there for a moment to catch his breath, his Mama looked worried. "It's what the wall is for." He smiled.

"Oh come sit down young man, it's too soon for you to be up and about like this."

Brooks sighed, she was right he was getting very tired. "Alright, but can't we at least ask the D.r if I can go home yet?" Brooks sat down in the wheelchair and his Mama turned it back around toward the direction they came from.

"That's for the D.r to decide, he knows what's best for you Brooks. Besides, I want you to come home after you're released."

Brooks couldn't believe this, he couldn't leave his contract! He wanted to finish it sick or not! He wasn't a baby if the other guys could do it so could he. "But Mama this is where I'm getting treated, I can't go back home."

"We might move out here, Brooks you're too sick and I hate to sound like a worried mother but I don't want you miles away from me! Do you know how I felt when I found out you had a heart attack? I was angry that I haven't been nearer, is all I wanted was to be with you, to hold you in my arms. Bebe, you're very strong and I trust you, but we have to be realistic."

Brooks bit his lower lip, he was trying not to get angry! This wasn't fair, he wanted to live his life and before his heart gets any worse! He knew he was at risk of having another heart attack, one which would be much worse. He had to live now when he still had time! "What did Papa say?" He asked.

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