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A/N Here it is! let me know what you thought, thank you! :D 

Agustin. "What do we do?!"

Javier. "We have to tell Officer Heart!"

Dylan. "We need to thick of a plan guys!"

The boys have been in an uproar ever since they finished work and school which they could barely do after receiving the news.

"We need to sit down." Suggested Javier, thankfully he was the sensible one. The boys sat down at the kitchen table.

"We can't let Brooks know," Agustin said and it was likely for him to think of Brooks before anyone else.

"Officer Heart is the one we need to go to guys, we've been busted let's just face it." Javier looked upset, some of his dark waves fell over his forehead, he obviously didn't even care to fix it.

"Officer Heart is bound to find out anyway." Said Dylan, he felt numb again as if he couldn't even get that upset.

"But if we go to him first we will look a little bit better," Javier added, he was fiddling with the hair on his forehead nervously. "Don't you have anything to say, Agustin?" He looked over at Agustin who stared at the table motionless.

Agustin wasn't acting like himself again, one of those strange moods the boys didn't know well. He just sat there as if he didn't hear what Dylan and Javier were saying.

"Yeah and what about dinner?" Asked Dylan, he knew he should be more considerate but he just didn't feel as upset as he thought he should! Just look at the other two, Agustin was clearly in shock and Javier was panicking.

Agustin finally looked up at Dylan with raised eyebrows. "I'm not cooking tonight, actually my stomachs kind of sick. I'm going to the hospital and you boys better not breathe a word about this to Brooks." Then Agustin stood up from the table and left.

Once Dylan and Javier were alone they just sat at the table in silence on till Dylan's stomach growled loudly. Javier rolled his eyes.

"Is all your stomach can do is think about food?"

"Javier my stomach doesn't think and I can't help I'm hungry!" Dylan stood up from his chair and went over to the refrigerator. "Want a sandwich?" He asked Javier.

"No, I'm not hungry anymore." Then Javier stood from the table and went upstairs.


Javier went into the attic and locked the door. Tears ran down his face as he looked at the stone. "I tried, I really did." He couldn't do as the boys said any longer and he knew Officer Heart was on a search, but he had to at least send a text. He had to do something right. He pulled out his phone and began.

J-Officer Heart we all have been lying, forgive us. I'm sure you know what this means.

Javier was feeling very ill suddenly, his stomach was in knots and his hands were trembling. He ran out of the attic and straight to the bathroom. He locked himself in then kneeled in front of the toilet. His stomach lurched and he began throwing up till he was lightheaded. When he was finished he heard the doorbell ring. He wondered who that could be. He came out of the bathroom and went to sit at the top of the steps.


Dylan was at the table alone eating the sandwich he made. He put avocado, mayo, and jelly in it. The boys always made fun of him for eating strange things but he had a stomach made of steel! He kind of hated that about himself, nothing ever seemed to bother him. When he wanted to cry he couldn't, when he wanted to get angry he hardly did anything more than one yell then he'd be lost for words. Maybe it was what happened to him a couple of years ago that he ended up in this place, but whatever it was he wanted out. Then the doorbell rang, he placed his sandwich down and went into the entry hall to answer it. He whipped the crumbs off his face with the back of his hand then unlocked the door. He pulled it open to see Brighton?! He smiled then pulled open the screen door.

Five is a crowdTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon