The Prince's Oasis

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Auroro watched the fluttery dark lights trail around Maleficent’s hand in complete awe. The small lights swirled around his hand as if dancing to their own personal tune and Maleficent couldn’t help but stare at the look on Auroro’s face. To think that him doing something so simple, something he found to be so trivial, could enrapture his prince’s attention so.

His prince was curled around him like the flowered vines that climbed the trees surrounding them. His blond locks that have grown so much longer in the past months surrounded Maleficent like an airy cloud, tickling the side of his face were Auroro rested.

Maleficent still couldn’t believe his luck, his great fortune of getting to love Auroro and being loved in return. He knew that he didn’t deserve such kindness from this world after all the misfortune he bestowed upon it but that didn’t matter, Auroro was now his, and nothing was going to take him away from Maleficent.

Not his mother, whom Maleficent thought it was a great mercy to allow to live. Not the kingdom that had begun to demand Auroro’s attention after its changes in leadership. Not Auroro’s father that was now lying on his deathbed, suffering from the slow poison that had been given to him by Ulla.

Maleficent almost felt sorry for him. King Stefan had seen his wife’s descent into madness and in efforts to thwart it, he tried to wean her off the idea of going into the forest, of going after Maleficent. Ulla interpreted his attempts to help as betrayal and started the slow poison that was now bringing him to the brink of death.

But that was of no matter to Maleficent, he wanted his prince all for himself.

Maleficent was pulled from his thoughts when Auroro’s petite hand encased his. He looked at their joined hands only to realized he had stopped the lights that Auroro adored so. When he tilted his head to look at Auroro he saw the concerned expression on his face. Those large blue eyes blinking up at him.

“What’s wrong.” Said the soft voice that made his life worthwhile.

The smile that adorned Maleficent’s face wasn’t forced when he spoke back to Auroro, “Nothing. I was just thinking.”

Auroro tilted his head in a questioning manner, “What were you thinking about?”

“Nothing important.” Maleficent leaned down and gave Auroro a light kiss on his forehead, “Nothing for you to worry about.”

Auroro looked suspicious for a moment but it left quickly, his innocent nature never allowed him to be doubtful of Maleficent for long. He rose up on his slender legs and held his hand out for Maleficent, which he didn’t hesitate to take.

He pulled Auroro to his chest and began the simple dance that Auroro had taken an affinity to in the short few weeks they’ve been together.

He swayed with Auroro in his arms, the only place he belonged, and Auroro started the soft hum that he always did when they danced together. Auroro looked up at him and his blues held that bit of mischief that always promised a hassle for Maleficent whenever he saw it.

He stepped out of Maleficent’s arms, going as far back as he could without letting go and started to move his feet quickly in a seemingly random pattern and began to tug at Maleficent’s arms. Maleficent was confused until Auroro started to giggle and realized that he was trying to make him spin.

Maleficent started to spin quickly after he caught on, provoking Auroro’s light giggle to turn into a laugh that made Maleficent’s heart sing.

The wind began to blow inside the small restored oasis, the work of Maleficent, and the flowers that he had regrown for Auroro began to swarm around them, fluttering around them like the flaps of a butterfly’s wings.

A sea of blue, yellow and white surrounded them, the colors of his prince. But Auroro’s eyes shined through, glittering in happiness at Maleficent.

His bright grin grew even wider and he flung himself at Maleficent, knocking him down in the soft grass.

Auroro was now settled in between Maleficent’s legs which were splayed straight out in front of him. Maleficent leaned his head down rest it on Auroro’s and closed his eyes, simply enjoying having Auroro so close to him, surrounding him with the sweet scent of sunflowers that hovers around Auroro like a cloud.

“I love you Melly.” Maleficent smiled fondly on the pet name Auroro had graced him with, a name that if anyone else dared to call him he would end them on the spot.

He opened his eyes and was met with seas of blue, “I love you more.”

Auroro held his arms out at full length. “I love you this big.”

“And I love you more than that.”

“Well I love you across the entire kingdom.”

“I love you more than that. My love reaches from the highest mountains, down the deepest seas, circling the entire world, to come back to you.” Maleficent ended his promise with a gentle hand resting on Auroro’s heart. A promise that went farther than a declaration of love. It was a promise to protect him, to preserve his innocence, and to keep him forever in his secure arms.

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