chapter 5-the birth

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9 months later and springtrap pov

I cant believe bonnies in labor. I still cant believe we're finally having a kid. I always wanted one. We decided if its a girl, we'll name her bontrap, and if its a boy, we'll name him springy. "Springtrap, its a girl" chica yelled. I ran in and saw bonnie in our bed. "Hey, is this bontrap?" i asked. He nodded and handed her to me. (bontrap is in the image above).
"She's amazing" i said as i handed her back to bonnie. The others started to come in. "Btw we have some news for all of you" freddy said. We all looked at him. "Me and foxy are back together"he said while foxy nodded in agreement. "Yeah...apparently that candy cat guy was just using me too, and that showed me what i was doing to foxy, so we're back together" he said. Then everyone smiled. "Wait! What about plushtrap?" i asked. "Oh its ok" plushtrap said. We all turn to the door to see a black bear with red eyes (aka nightmare) holding plushtrap. "nightmare?" goldie said. "You two know each other?" mari (aka the puppet) said. "Of course. We're brothers" nightmare said. "Really" we all said. "Yep" goldie said. "Well, me and plushtrap have to get back to the nightmare dimension, see ya" nightmare said as he and plushtrap teleported away. "Goldie, can we talk,privately?" mari asked. Goldie noddes and they left. "Well we're gonna leave you and bonnie so you 2 can settle" cupcake said. "Ok" bonnie said. "Oh and also,i changed my name from cupcake to carl, you know, makes it a little easier" carl said. We all nodded and the others left, leaving me and bonnie. "Welcome to the world,bontrap" i said. I laid beside bonnie and cuddled the two.

Mean while with mari and goldie. Also mari pov

Me and Goldie walked in the closet and he shut the door. "Why didnt you tell me you had a brother?" i asked. "Mari,its complicated. Me and nightmare dont see each other often, so we decided not to talk about eachother, so we wouldn't miss each other too much" goldie told me. "Ok but you can tell me this kind of stuff, you know that right?" i asked. He nodded. We hugged and i wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Lets go get some sleep" goldie said. I nodded and we went to his room and went to sleep.

Foxy pov

I laid in bed while freddy laid beside me. "Good to have you back" freddy said. "Same to you" i told him.We cuddled and i wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. Then we went to sleep.

To be continued...

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