Chapter 2 - The Duke of the East

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Chapter 2 – The Duke of the East

Ten days before the end of the war.

Elven King Jodfelli Bolsavier had been gone for over two months. Meanwhile his wife Queen Helena had not heard anything regarding the state of the war or of her husband's welfare.

Increasingly frustrated by this lack of communication she decided to speak with a higher force; the Elder Elven Council.

Six elves that had lived through the generations of many elves and humans.

Five men and one woman made up the ever knowing and knowledgeable elders.

Only King Jodfelli had higher authority in the East and with his absence the elders had full power over the island.

Helena wanted to send aid across to Colltalios. She needed to know the situation with the war, and more importantly the safety of her husband.

She was cruelly denied by the Elder Elven Council.

They would not allow more elves to potentially be led to their deaths. Nor would they allow more ships to be taken across the sea for a war they did not approve of.

Helena became even more desperate and angry. As days and days passed, she decided enough was enough.

Helena set about taking her husband's' private ship named The Gallant. This large vessel was jewel green, and its narrow frame made it one of the fastest ships in the all of the realms.

She told no one and left before sunrise. She had no idea where to go, no idea who to seek, only that she had to find out where the Elven king was and if he was safe.

The sea was rough and the storms were wild, and even a trained sailor such as Helena struggled to navigate the journey to the mainland.

Drifting south Helena arrived at land and promptly anchored the ship close to the sandy shores. The land ahead comprised of dense forests, and Helena was not sure where exactly she had arrived.

Having never travelled alone to the mainland she knew something had gone wrong.

Her last visit was to the city of Chillington. It's stone buildings and busy docks were far from the deserted forests and vast mountains she now looked upon.

Unfazed by her navigational error, she continued on her quest to reach her husband. She waded through the shallow shores before reaching the sandy beaches.

The storms were relentless and a journey by foot would now surely be safer than by sea.

Helena ran to a nearby tree and sheltered underneath as she attempted to gather her bearings. She pulled out a crumpled map and began to scour the mainland for an idea of how far south she had drifted.

Helena now understood it would be a long trek around the edge of the forest enabling her to get to Chillington Castle.

The rain poured down and with an endless sea of trees ahead, Helena had become unconvinced she was even heading in the right direction.

Helena's leather boots were soaked through, her slender light elven armour provided little protection from the downpour. The sack she carried over her shoulder only contained essentials. A flask of water, several small parcels of food, a map, and some small daggers.

She also had arrows strapped over her shoulder along with a powerful elven bow.

If the storm would just pass maybe she could gather her bearings.

As she continued to walk through the sludge and mud of the forest, a clearing in the trees could now be seen ahead. Small swirls of smoke could be seen drifting towards the skies. Maybe this was an inhabited settlement and someone here would be able to help her.

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