Chapter 1 - The Sea of the Ives

Start from the beginning

Rubens was not often abrupt but his patience was being tested.

"Trust? I know not of a man whom I do trust my King."

"Then why are you here? Why travel so far? Why answer my call to this private meeting?"

"Foolishly I thought maybe you would speak sense, but your intentions are simply for personal gain."

Shocked as the king appeared, he tried to calm the situation.

"What personal gain would it be?"

"Don't play games my king, I know you want Castle Ives, you always have, and your empire is not quite complete without it."

"Yes that is correct. A crumbling pile of rubble in the middle of the sea is exactly what I want. Do you really think that I have desires to reside there? I simply want to unburden you."

"And what would you do with this burden once it is emptied of all who reside there?"

"What does it matter? You would be safe behind my walls."

Rubens stood up sending his chair crashing to the floor behind him.


Gaprone walked calmly over to his chair and sat himself down, he crossed his legs and looked up towards Rubens and smiled softly. "Calm yourself my friend, remember where you are."

Rubens was breathing heavily as he stood glaring at the seated king.

"And just so you know, I'd have your head quicker than you could blink if you so much as move that sword any further."

Without realising Rubens had placed his right hand on his sheathed sword, his hand now trembling and he slowly looked down to his side.

"It appears our business is done my friend, you have made your decision very clear, and I shall not trouble you further." Gaprone smiled and that sly grin was once again prominent across his face. "Guards!" Gaprone called out. To which two heavily armoured guards entered the room.

"Please see King Rubens to his horse, it appears he has had a wasted journey."

"You know where I am D'Juaroun if ever you need me." the king called through the door as his friend was led away.

Once at the castle gates King Rubens mounted his horse, his soldiers had been forced to wait outside the gates.

"Let's go! This place is doomed to hell. I do not wish to be part of it when it falls." Rubens ordered his men to ride, as he was eager to get as far away as possible.

Rubens and his five guardsmen rode off towards White Woods.

"Where is Calcias?"

King Gaprone had made his way down to the armoury of Chillington Castle; it was deep in the cellars below the main throne room.

"Fetch me Calcias, now!"

A soldier ran to find the man that the king was demanding to speak with.

A few moments later he returned followed by Calcias Greymoor, a military sergeant who had a renowned background for corruption.

"My king what is it I can do for you?"

"A group of men have left Chillington Castle on horseback. They are heading home for the Castle Ives. They will most likely be going though White Woods." Gaprone was vague but to the point.

"And what of these men?" Calcias questioned the king's statement, but he had already guessed the kings reply.

"They cannot make it home. The middle aged man who bears the orange robes is the absolute highest priority."

Dragon's Reclaim - The Book of Tremor Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now