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The door of the plain abnegation house flew open, crashing against the wall with a thunderous boom. The small girl, who was hidden in her cupboard, shuddered. She knew what was coming. She heard the door slam shut and then the loud stomps of heavy feet making their way up the stairs. Fear bubbled up inside her and she hugged her knees closer to her chest. The door of her bedroom was flung violently open and he stepped inside. "Lillian ", a deep male voice growled, making her shake with fear. "You can't hide from me now, no one is here to stop me. He's gone now. But you already knew that didn't you?" Fear doused her small body. She had not expected this. She had expected him to come home and hit her and she had expected it to be bad, but she had not expected him to know. She had not expected him to know their plan. The cupboard door was wretched open as a hand flew in and grabbed her roughly, tossing her small and weak frame to the ground like a rag doll. She sat up shakily and came face to face with him. Her red faced furious father. He shook with anger and spit flew from his mouth as he shouted at her. "HE LEFT US. FOR CANDOR!", he roared, before slapping her across the face. She fell to the floor but he grabbed a fist full of her hair, forcing her to look at him. "But you wont leave me will you? You wont leave poor old dad to fend for himself. You're going to choose Abnegation, aren't you?" It was more of a statement than a question. She looked him dead in the eye as her mouth dripped with blood. "Yes", she lied through her teeth. It was a good job that she didn't plan on choosing candor.

*I know that this first chapter is really short and boring but things are definitely going to get more interesting in the next few chapters. I really hope that you guys enjoy this as it is my first divergent fanfiction that i have ever wrote.

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