We Belong Together

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☆Previously on Bad Love!☆

"Y/n are you going to keep being this way? You haven't left your room". "Don't you think you're exaggerating about the situation with Yoongi and that girl kissing? You made it seemed like he wanted to kiss her. "Omg who side are you on right now? He didn't even attempt to pull away from the kiss." "Listen, just tell him how you feel. Hear him out, please?" "I'll think about it" Jin just spazzed out! "YOU IDIOT! HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!". He grabbed Yoongi by his shirt. "Ya! let go of me!" "Rose... I've come back.. I miss you and I miss my sons.". I had to raise them on my own!! while you were out here hoein! "Yoongi.. Hey son it's me, your Father". "Eomma.. what is this? You called me here for this??" Would it hurt to start over with your family? Wouldn't it be nice for guys to get together and make up for those lost times? Why do you even care? I thought you were mad at me.", "I'm still am mad at you idiot but I'm also concerned about you..." Ailee's team won and everyone, including you rushed down to the gym floor where she was at. "Yoongi... Yoongi! wake up man, you can't keep laying here, trying to sleep away your problems. That's not the way." If she wants to go out on a date with him, let her." "are you going to be alright then? are you going to be alright if they start dating? "Ya Yoongi where are you going?!" "I'm going to go get my girl back".

" "are you going to be alright then? are you going to be alright if they start dating? "Ya Yoongi where are you going?!" "I'm going to go get my girl back"

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Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

-We Belong Together-

》Your P.O.V :《

You and Ravi arrived at the movie theater that's inside a mall. You two stand in line to get your tickets. You were very nervous. Ravi was one of those kind of guys who were too popular and handsome, it only made you look and feel like you're nothing but a potato. Girls were staring at him hard and whispering to their friends. "Wow.. Ravi must be really popular with the girls.". So you two got some popcorn, something to drink, and went to go watch the movie. Who would ever thought that I would be going out on a date with Ravi? My former crush from middle school.. It just feels weird. While watching the movie, I couldn't stop thinking about Yoongi.. I tried to stay focused on watching the movie but I couldn't. I was lost in my thoughts. Ravi noticed that I looked spaced out. He whispered to me, "Y/n.. are you okay?". I snapped back to reality, "uh yeah I'm cool". "You sure?". I just nodded yes. He smiled at me then put his attention back to the movie. A few minutes passed. I guess the movie got more interesting and funny. I laughed so hard at one of the parts in the movie. Then suddenly Ravi leaned closer to me, he was about to whisper something in my ear. I got startled a little when I felt his hot breath against my ear. "You look so beautiful . I want you all to myself y/n". I can feel my face turning red. Wtf Ravi... I turned away feeling embarrassed. He laughed at me. Afterwards, the movie was over. We walked around in the mall. We found a Chinese food restaurant and went in there. As I was eating, I felt like I was doing something wrong. It only made me feel more anxious and nervous. Should I really be here with Ravi? Why does it feel like I'm cheating or something? Me and Yoongi isn't even together. I started to miss him.. Ravi interrupted my thoughts. "Y/n it looks like you have a lot of your mind. Is there something bothering you?". "No.. I'm fine Ravi, thanks for being concerned though". "No problem. ".

Bad Love-by TaemiWhere stories live. Discover now