We Meet Again

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Chapter 2:

-We Meet Again-

-We Meet Again-

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

》Your POV: 《

Just when I thought everything was going to be smooth, I see Yoongi across the classroom from me. Ugh! I couldn't stand the sight of him. Then he had the nerve to smirk at me. What are you up to now Min Yoongi?


While you guys are in class, Yoongi suddenly stares at you for a minute. You turn your head to look at him, he turns his head quick so you wouldn't notice him staring at you. You thought, that was strange. He thought, "mmm she kinda looks good..". An hour passed, the bell rang, and the teacher telling everyone have a nice day and don't forget to bring in a essay about how you feel about bullying. Everyone is gathering their things and left the classroom. You walk out into the hallway crowded full of students, standing by the lockers talking, playing in the hallway, some trying to get to their next class, etc. You see yoongi's best friends run up to him excited to see him. "Aye yo Suga! Wussup man!" His friends yelled. They have been best friends since elementary school and his nickname name is "Suga", which they been calling him that ever since then. You never understood why they called him Suga because he was never a sweet person. While you walk to get to your next class, suddenly your best friend since kindergarten, Ailee runs up to you with a big smile on her face, happy to see you. "Heyy Y/n !! I'm glad to see you, I missed you girlie!" She hugs you tightly. You say, "Ailee your killing me!" As you laugh at her and smiled. Ailee finally let's go laughing saying oops sorry. "I'm glad to see you too, even though we damn near see each other everyday". You both laughed. "Let me see your schedule y/n, I want to see if we have some classes together" You give her your schedule and she looks over it. "Omo! We have most of the classes together in the same period! And we have B lunch together!" Ailee says with excitement. You were happy that you guys had the same classes together. You wanted her by your side all the time. "Hey (y/nickname) come with me to my locker real quick, I have to get my books out of my locker" said Ailee. "Let's hurry I don't want us to be late for class" you said. So while you two are at the locker, you see Yoongi and his friends walking by. One of yoongi's buddys, Namjoon, said "Aye yoongi here go yo boo over there!" Him and the guys laughed. Yoongi had a irritated look on his face, "ya! Stop playing with me you ass!" He said sounding mad. His friends are staring at you, his friends waved at you and Ailee saying hey! Really loud. "Hey you guys!" Both you and Ailee said waving back at them. Except for yoongi of course, he turned his head, still walking. "There go yo baby y/n!"Ailee said joking around. "He is not my baby! Stop saying that Ailee!" You said a little irritated but laughed a little too.

》Yoongi & his friends (BTS) POV:《

Namjoon: Aye bro why do you always get mad everytime we mention y/n? She's a nice girl. She's cool man. Loosen up!

SeokJin: yeah man I never understood why you hated her so much and always picked on her too.

Jimin: Be nice to her for once will ya! She's not ugly, she got a good personality, and she's so smart!

Bad Love-by Taemiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن