Chapter 3: Hennesy, White Chicks, DNA Test

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(Eliza above, but as described)
I ran as quickly as I could out of the cafeteria. My mind spinning with questions, she looks so much like me. We have the same last name. Is she that's not possible.

I didn't know where I was running till I got there, I'm back at the courtyard where I first saw Sebastian. Why do I keep ending up here? I heard footsteps behind me I turned to see Sebastian and Theodore with Eliza right behind them.

"Who are you?" I said accusingly to Eliza.

"Im Eliza I already told.." I cut her off

"No, I mean who are you why do you look like me?" I asked confused and angry.

" I don't know, but we can talk... if you want to?" She asked hope in her voice.

"Yeah that would be nice."

"Great you boys go, we'll catch up later."

"Okay if you need us we'll be in the cafeteria." Bash said for both of them.

I wonder could this be her could she have lived.
I know she was in the car with them when the crash happened, but they said their were no survivors. I was so young not even three yet. I-is this my sister? No that's not possible let's just talk.

"You can ask me anything I will be happy to answer."

"How old are you?"


"What's your full name"

"Eliza Annabelle Montgomery"

"When you were two years old were you in a car crash?"

"Yes. Wait, how did you know that?"

"I know that because my sister and parents died in a car crash when I was two."

I am trying to put off a calm deminor, but I am jumbled in emotions.

"What do you mean. You're not my, no, no¨"Eliza says starting to pace back and forth. She looked like she was thinking hard. After almost 10 minutes of us just pacing and staring at each other I check the time on my phone 12:56 we need to go.

"Give my your phone."

"Okay...wait what, you just told me I might be your sister and you want my phone?"She asks me obviously annoyed.

"Yes i'm going to give you my number, so you can call later and come over we'll talk about this then. Right now I have Chemistry."

She hands me her phone, I put in my number and text myself so i'll have her number saved. Then i hand it back.

"We should probably get to class Theo and Bash might be worried."I say wondering if they are worried about me. Do I want them to worry about me? No...yes I do. But why I just met them, why do I care?

"Yeah, i'll text after school and we can meet up later."

"Okay, bye.¨"I say heading out of the beautiful courtyard to my Chemistry class, getting lost in the process. Once I get there class is half way through, but my teacher says nothing knowing it's my first day. I take a seat next to Bash.

The rest of the day goes by quickly, I see Bash walking through the hallways with his nose in his book and Theo with the other jocks the head cheerleader trying to feel him up in the hallway, which made me sad and upset for some reason but he didn't seem that into it pushing her off of him and when he saw me walking by he winked at me with a huge smirk on his face, that made me blush. I like him, but do I want to my last relationship was not good.

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