Chapter 11: A hidden past...

Start from the beginning

The hallway was dark. There were three rooms, including the room I had just walked out of, leading off the landing. The walls were old and unkept for quite a few years by the looks of it. The stairs looked in ok condition, but the carpet on them had defiantly seen better days. I crept down the stairs, trying to cause them to creek as little as possible. I didn't want to wake anyone. I wondered if David was still here, and if he was still up. I wanted some answers from him. And Alex seemed happy enough to leave him in the house with us and not worry about my safety so surely he was nice? Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I searched the rooms.

The stairs lead straight onto the kitchen, which was old, worn out and really not suitable to be classed as a kitchen anymore. I walked through the door off the kitchen to come into the living room, where I found David laying on the sofa, with his hands behind his head, smiling at me. "Ah finally your up, how long does it take you to get down stairs?" David asked me. "A normal amount of time..." I began to say. "To me that's anyways good morning sleeping beauty...hows my moody brother?" David asked as he sat up properly allowing space for me to sit. "Hes still asleep...Are you really brothers?" I asked him as I sat down. He nodded his head. " and him grew up together, in this very house" David told me. I looked at him shocked. "He didn't tell me that...he just said it was some old abounded house..." I told David as I looked around. It was getting lighter outside causing the room to light up more. "Yah...I bet there's a whole lode of stuff he didn't tell you" David said with raised eyebrows. I frowned at the thought, but an idea quickly popped into my head. I gave David my sweetest smile. "Do you think you could maybe...tell me" I asked as I blinked my eyes innocently. David looked at me unsure, but then smiled. "Your good....I heard blue bloods were meant to be good at the whole persuasive thing...and you are very good..." David told me with a smile. I giggled.  "Well what do you want to know?" David asked as he turned towards me more. I smiled widely. "Well...lets start at the beginning....why does Alex seem to hate you so much and why are you here?" I asked him.

David took in a deep breath. "Well...Alex and I always used to get on well...but we always had a bit of a competition between us...thats usual I suppose for siblings. But one day Alex went missing for a long 2 months. My mother and I thought he was dead. We were devastated about it, but I was the man of the house now that my older brother was dead, and I had to take charge. Which is what I did. Until He came home one day. We were so shocked, but so happy to see him again. I have to admit I was pretty pissed that hed suddenly turned up out of the blue for two months and not even told us he was ok once, But our mother was happy and that was all that mattered. I started noticing that Alex was different....he wasn't himself...he even looked different. Towns people were taking notice as well, and all sorts of rumors started going around. One night a huge crowd of people with fire, and stakes and crosses all turned up outside our home. Alex was terrified, and my mother and I protected him the best we could. But they were not having any of it. We told Alex to run and hide, which he did, but they towns people got angry and started calling my mother the mother of the devil, and a evil witch, and then they killed her. They tried to get me but I was too quick, to smart and I ran. I ran into the forest, searching for my brother. I called out for him, and the next thing I knew I was being knocked to the ground with so much force it nearly knocked me out. Alex had gone crazy, he got scared and his new instants took over. He was attacking me. He drunk every ounce of my blood.. and nearly killed me. When he realised what he had done he ran away never returning. I got lucky. A passing by vampire found me and saved me, something I am forever grateful for. Ive been trying to find Alex ever since but obviously I could'nt, what with him being a protector and all....I hung close by this house ever since waiting for the day he would return, and sure enough here he is..." David told me.  I was silent for a moment whilst I thought through what David had just told me. I was shocked, but that didn't mean I thought Alex was was a mistake...he was just panicking....but then I understood why he would feel so bad about it, in his eyes both his mothers and his brothers deaths were completely his fault. I felt a big pang of guilt for Alex. He carried such a horrible guilt on his shoulders, no wonder why he was so moody all the time. 

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