Chapter 31: Awakened

Start from the beginning

"...." Eren stays silent, looking down at the body he just killed.
He's alive. Or rather engaged in living.

They all know damn well whats just happened...
"... you're a vampire." Levi covers his mouth feeling sort of sick.
"We have to get out of here..." He says. "We need to get Petra a meal... and maybe you too..."

Eren nods slowly and looks at his pale hands.
He's no longer human. He has become the thing that he hunts and mostly hates.
Like Levi, he also feels sick.

They exit the room in silence.
Eren begins his new life. As a vampire. Living at the age of nineteen forever.

"... I'm sorry about this... you don't deserve it. I was only trying to help you." Levi sighs and looks at Petra who he is carrying as she is really fucking weak at the moment she can barely stand.

"Don't apologise." Eren says shortly. His eyes only focus on the path ahead of him.
"You did what you thought was right."

Levi nods and the three walk. They walk silently till they reach a hospital.
"Stay with Petra." Levi glances to Eren laying Petra against a tree then zooming off.

The two sit awkwardly. Having of hated each other before the turn of events.

"I'm sorry... that I tried to drink from you." Petra apologises bowing her head down.

"Don't be sorry." Is what Eren says.
"You were hungry. You can't deny your instincts."
His voice is flat, and all is clear that he isn't too happy about being a vampire. He had a long life ahead of him. Now he has an even longer one that will be filled with complications.
Levi returns with five blood bags and sits on the grass giving two to the vampires next to him and one for himself.

"Drink up." he sighs.

Petra wastes no time in sculling the bags down where as Eren lightly sips at it. Even as a vampire he finds the blood a bitter taste. It goes down a lot smoother than normal food but the taste isn't to his liking. It feels bitter, and it doesn't seem to sit well in his stomach. Odd, considering the other two are enjoying their dose of blood.

"Drink it Eren. It's okay... you're hungry, right? You've gotta eat." Levi sighs and moves to sit next to him. "I know it's not what you're used to. But no one died for this blood. No one was harmed. You're going to have to drink it all."

"It tastes disgusting..." he sighs sipping at it some more before gagging slightly. His Hunger is being stopped at least.

"I think it tastes pretty good." Petra says gulping hers all up.

"You'll get used to it unfortunately." Levi stares at Eren. "Look about everything-"

"It's fine." Eren cuts him off with a sigh.
"Just forget about it."

"I'm sorry for breaking your heart too..." Levi adds regardless of what Eren just said.

"Yeah... I'm sure you are." Eren finishes one of his bags but refuses to start the other. The taste is so bitter and raw that it's making him physically ill.
"Someone can have my other one."

It's Petra's in a heart beat. She snatches it up and drinks it down. 

"Hey I am. I didn't want to make you miserable but it's inevitable." Levi furrows his eyebrows. "You don't forgive me... do you." he sighs and watches Petra suck up the blood.

"I cared about you... I still do. But... what reason could you have about lying? Why hurt me like that, huh?" Eren furrows his eyebrows at Levi and lays down on his back, staring at the night sky.

"I wanted to push you out of my life." Levi hums. "We were too different. Even you can admit that if I was just a normal guy life would be so much easier for the both of us. You'd still be human. Maybe even a successful hunter and not a fucking vampire. I did bad things. I didn't want to involve you with a bond of love,  okay? Besides. If I was going on about loving you infront of your buddy Adian do you think he would've left me alive? No.
Him killing me would of turned you against him."

Eren stays silent and glances down at his feet. He stands up slowly and takes a sharp breath in.
"I have to go." He says and turns to walk away.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Levi raises an eyebrow. "You're not going anywhere. You need to stay close to us."

"I need to go tell Adain that I killed his niece." Eren says softly. "I said to him I would help his family. I ended up killing it instead... this is the least I can do. I need to explain to him what happened."

"I'll come with you." Levi stands up.

" I don't think that's wise..." Eren mumbles quietly. " careful."

"You killed his neice and I killed his neice's friends. No way am I letting you go in there alone alright-" Levi is cut off when he gets scratched by a rose thorn. "Ah shit..." he looks at his arm that's bleeding. "Hm. Pretty but fucking assholes.... like me." Levi chuckles before stopping and staring at Eren whose eyes have flicked red.

"... Eren?"

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