9 - Epilogue

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"I don't want to wear it!"

"Lux, please! Look, I have to wear one too!"

"Can I swap jobs with Louis, then? Please, Aunt Gwen, pretty please?"

"Will you wear the flower crown if I let you swap with him?"

" . . . Fine."

Alison laughed. "Stop arguing, you babies."

"Excuse me!" Lux cried. "I am ten years old! I'm not a baby! Louis is a baby!"

"Louis's six," Gwen said with a raised eyebrow as she fixed the flower crown on Lux's head with a few bobby pins.

"Yeah, but . . . agh, whatever."

Gwen laughed. "There, all done. Now, I'm just going to grab something, don't ruin the makeup you two," Gwen said, pointing her finger at Alison and Lux.

Lux stared at Alison in the mirror. "You love dad, right?"

Alison nodded.

"And dad loves you, right?"

"God, I sure hope so, otherwise this could get very awkward."

Lux laughed. "Yeah . . . Hey, I have something for you."

Lux reached into the pocket of her dark blue dress and pulled out a small box. She slid it across the dresser to Alison.

Curiously, Alison opened the box to find a necklace with a small, royal blue pendant. "Something blue," Lux said with a shrug.

"It's beautiful. Where did you get this?"

"It was mom's. She told me about it when I was three. I have - eek!" Alison squashed Lux in a hug. " - good memory," she squeaked, an end to her sentence.

Alison let go of Lux and tied the necklace around her neck as Gwen came back. "Something borrowed," she said, holding up her veil. Alison smiled, running her hand over the pendant.

"Ooh, that's pretty," Gwen said. "I like it."

Alison sat still while Gwen fixed the veil in place. "There."

"Woah," Lux said. "You look amazing."

"Something old?" Lux asked.

Alison lifted her dress to admire her mother's most prized possession - the shoes she wore on her wedding day. "Oh, yes. Something very old indeed."

"Something new?" Gwen asked.

"Check," Alison replied, running her hand over the dress Harry and Gwen insisted they buy.

"Something borrowed?" Lux asked.

"Check," Gwen replied, "and something blue?"

"Check," Lux said, "Although that would've been checked with or without the necklace"

Gwen laughed and raised her hand for Lux to high five.


"Would you just calm down, dude? It's not like this is your first time."

"That's the whole point!"

"Sorry, not seeing it."

Drake paused in his paving to glare at Harry, who sighed and stood up. "Relax, man. Im six years, she hasn't decided she hates you, in fact she hasn't decided that in over twelve years, so stop pacing before you tear the suit!"

Drake sighed and sat down. "Do you think Lux -"

"I am gonna shove your head in a toilet, man. They're both fine, okay? I'm sure Lux would've said something by now if it bothered her. And if Alison didn't like it, she wouldn't have said yes. Quit worrying, it's not like you signed up for war . . . Oh, wait . . ."

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