6 - Drake

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Lux can't stop fidgeting. I mean, I would be too if it didn't make me look like an asshole. Neither of us can stand to look at the coffin, but I doubt either of us can find something else to stare at instead.

Nevermind, Lux found a puppy to look at. I do my best to seem like I'm focused on whatever this bald guy is saying, but honestly? All I can think about is Lucy and the way she'd be laughing if she were here. "Idiots," she'd say, "You're all gonna die anyway, I just beat you all. Looks like I'm all good. I'm done, you suckers gotta stay down here."

I smile a little, remembering her laugh. God, I thought I was done crying for her. Or maybe that was just because Lux thought everything was fine, and I wanted to keep it like that.

I glance at Alison, who also seems on edge. I really wonder what was in that report, she's been on edge ever since she got back yesterday. Except with Lux, she's a totally different person around Lux. She's not agitated, stressed or tensed. But Lux does that, she's amazing.

One by one, we get one last chance to see Lucy. Lux holds tight to my hand, and the closer we get, the tighter she holds. Curiously, Lux peers into the coffin. Then she faces me and gives me a look of disgust. "Mummy looks weird."

I smile and ruffle her hair as I stare at Lucy. "Yeah, we're the suckers that's gotta stay here," I say softly. "I love you."

Gently, I tug Lux's hand and she follows me away. Very aware of the idiots in uniform watching me like I'm a criminal, I get into Alison's car after closing the backseat door behind Lux.

"You okay?" I ask her.

"I should be asking you," she says, giving me a side glance.

"Maybe. But I asked you.'

"I'm . . . worried," she answers.


She glances in the rearview mirror at Lux. "I'll tell you when we get home. After those damned cops leave. God, they're beginning to piss me off."

"Beginning?" I ask with a small grin.

Alison grins at me. "I don't know how Lucy decided you were the one. I mean, your jokes are so lame."

I grin at her. "You say lame, Lucy said hilarious, so, hah."

Alison shakes her head. The rest of the drive is spent in silence. I swear, if Alison swears another officer, they're going to arrest her too. Eventually, they leave and Lux heads to her room and Alison to the . . . I'd say living room, but it looks like a printer threw up in there.

"Hey," Sophia says, walking through the front door. "I can watch Lux, if you'd like." She darts her eyes towards Alison's retreating figure. I give her a smile. "Thanks."

I follow Alison. "You sure you're okay, Alison?"

She lifts her head and then holds up three folders. "What did Lucky and Lucy have in common with Henley Walter?"

I frown. "They were in the same class in high school?"

Alison shakes her head. "No, Lucky was in my class with you and Harry. Henley and Lucy were with Eric and Gwen."

"So, why are we asking what they have in common?"

She passes them to me. "I'm not really supposed to show you, but what the hell?"

I flip through the folders as Alison speaks. "A few months before Lucky's accident, Henley was found in her home, murdered. Doctor Parker says Lucky didn't die in the crash, she was murdered too. All three of them were killed in the same way, but Lucky was in her car, not at home."

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