Concussion (Minishaw)

Start from the beginning

"what can I do?" Simon asked and he was told that he would help them roll him, one had to hold his head and two had to roll him, crossing there arms

"OK, on my count, one two and turn" he said and then they turned him to his back with some moaning from Harry, and there was blood running out off his ear, they also saw that that side off his head was swollen and turning a little blue, he also looked like he was getting a black eye.

"why is there blood" Simon asked worried, as he saw the full extent off his boyfriends injury's 

"that suggest it's a skull fracture as well as a concussion"

"wait he might have broken something" JJ asked horrified as they checked again for movement and that was all good.

"you are doing so good Harry" Vikk said to him as Harry moaned out, he was clearly not comfortable and in pain. Then they were going to roll him to his side again to put the spinal board under him,

"OK, when we have turned him you put this under him OK" they said to Josh who just nodded. Then he was turned again and the spinal board put under him before they adjusted him on the board, then they checked his feeling again. Then they put straps on him to secure him in place.

"OK, Harry now we have to put these bumpers next to your head so you wont move and we are going to start up an I.V and give you something for the pain, sound good"

"yeah" Harry moaned out and he got given an oxygen mask to even out his breathing as he was struggling a little bit. Then they strapped his head in with two tapes and one went over his forehead and the other under his chin, he was now ready to be moved onto the gurney

"what is going to happen?" Simon asked the paramedics as he felt like he was about to burst into tears himself, he was so worried. 

"he is going strait into a CT scan and a CAT scan to see if there is in fact a brake or just a concussion, he might also be going for an MRI and an X-ray"

"can I go with him in the ambulance, he is my boyfriend?" Simon asked 

"yes you can" They said to him and then they got Harry to open his eyes for a short moment, but he just felt sick and the light hurt him so much, wile one off them was doing these tests the other was setting up the I.V and he gave him max dose off morphine to settle him down a bit and hopefully it would lessen the pain in his head. Then they lifted him onto the gurney and they strapped him on, and then wheeled him into the ambulance and then they were off to the hospital.

Harry was out off it the entire way, It was Friday today and he thought it was Saturday and that he was in Guernsey, so he had lost the last 6 days. Simon had asked the paramedic if he would ever remember the last 6 days and the paramedic said that it was unlikely but could happen, the hardest thing would be for Harry to come to terms with this as loosing memory, that is never a fun thing.

"what happened?" Harry asked softly.

"you are on your way to hospital, you hit your head"

"can someone get my mum" Harry moaned out

"want me to call her for you?" Simon asked

"no, you are not even here, where is Rosie?"

"Harry, you are in London, not Guernsey, It's really me, I'm here with you babe, just stay calm"

"Where is Rosie, I was just with her" Harry said and he was starting to cry

"don't aggravate him, keep him calm" the paramedic said to Simon

"I'll find her, don't worry about it, just close your eyes and try to rest OK, I'm here with you, and I'm going to get your mom here, I promise you that" Simon told Harry who just moaned out. 

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