29. This Isn't Over

Start from the beginning

“We are here to bring them back into the light?” Hershel stated with uncertainty.

“Of course. It may seem impossible, but these two have light in their hearts. You know this! Your only task is to help them see that.”

“I would protest. I would say that I see no way in which I can accomplish that, but now I realise why I kept thinking that every time you told me of what I should do. It’s because I was accepting the burden of responsibility myself. As long as I have my friends here, this task can be accomplished. No one said I had to do this alone. That’s what you were saying all along!”

Claire blushed at that and then gave him a firm hug.

“Oh, Hershel.” She said, her voice now choking like the Professor’s had been.

“I know you can do this. I know that you all can do this. I really will miss you.”

“And I you…” As both began to weep, the scenery around them began to melt away and fold in on itself. White light was slowly growing in intensity and soon Hershel could barely see his friends only a few feet away.

“What’s happening?!” He yelled, trying desperately to hold onto Claire as long as he could. “Wait! Before I go. I must know… You said this wasn’t real, but it is too real not to be. You must be the real Claire!”

Claire fixed him with a big grin and then winked.

“I love you, Hershel.”

“And I you. Goodbye… Claire…”

“No, Hershel. This isn’t goodbye. This is so long.”

The whiteness engulfed all and Hershel felt Claire’s warmth vanish slowly until it was no more. He seemed to be falling into nothingness. As he reflected on everything that had just happened, his eyes flung open suddenly and the cool sky of midday greeted him.

He was back in the forest.

Now was the moment of truth.


Throwing himself up, Hershel felt comfort as he saw the others also struggling to lift themselves up. He feared slightly that they had only been visions, but now he knew that they had been there with him. That meant…

“Flora!” He exclaimed, running over to her and throwing his arms around her. “I thought…”

They embraced each other for a few more seconds before Flora face him, a cheeky sparkle in her eye.

“I know. I might have died and all because I came when you told me to stay behind. You know why I go against you? Why I go anyway, despite the danger? It’s not just because I want to prove my strength. No, I can prove that whenever I want. The reason… the reason is because I know you are there to protect me. You will never allow harm to befall me.”

“Of course! But what about being crushed by that beast?”

“Nothing happened. I am still here, aren’t I? You protected me, even when the odds seemed completely against us.”

“And I would do so a thousand times over.”

He started as he thought of the shadow Oliver’s and he spun to see where they had gone.

The others too, had been searching but there seemed to be no sight of them.

“They’re gone!” Flora cheered.

“Love came through…” Hershel breathed, tipping his hat down and letting out a relieved smile.

As the others came together, hope now in their eyes, another figure made towards Hershel, his stride showing one who wasn’t about to lose anymore.

Professor Layton: Love In All AdversitiesWhere stories live. Discover now