Where is she?

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Brick Clark POV

We chatted with our mate dad for awhile, he is one of those rare few who is born from a shifter​ family but was never able to shift. He has the strength of a shifter, the great health of shifter, well everything that comes with being a shifter but with out the ability to shift. So I guess he would be considered, I don't know, a super human? But the only down side is that since he can't shift that he is greatly affected with the need to be around shifters as much as possible. Another thing too was that he was the son of a shifter who was meant to be a leader so he has the material instinct to want to have son's.

Well from what I gather after our mate was born, complications happened so that is the reason why our mate is an only child.

"So are you going to tell them yet? It would be alot easier on you and everyone, since you know what really happened back than." I asked Richard since he was just he seemed still pissed that his wife snapped at him.

I know it's a sore subject but I am Still pissed from the way he acted towards our mate.

Richard only glared at me as his wife was getting things from the kitchen, what? I don't know. All the food was sitting on the table and it seemed like we were just waiting on the girls so we could dig in. The food looked great, but nothing compares to my beautiful girl.

"I'm just waiting for the right moment. I don't want my mate to leave me okay, you boys won't have the struggle to prove that your not crazy because you can shift. I'm still trying to deal with regular family issues." He ground out as glared at us.

Just as I going to snarl at him his wife walked in and I had to cough to cover up the beast sound that try to sneak its way out.

"Okay boys lets dig in." Mrs. Winster said as she sat next to her husband with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

But where was our mate? Is she eating in her room because of us? What kind of excuse could I make to go see her? I wonder if she is okay?

The room became dead silent after hearing the front door slam as well as a car pulling out of the drive way. What the hell?

"Sorry for Amber boys. She tends to leave when ever she feels like it." Our mate father sighed out like he was just tired from dealing with a problem!

One thing about shifters is that when children become adults, the kids usually leave before the parents start trying to push them out. It seemed like Richard has already reach the stage of just barely tolerating on having his kid on his territory. It's something that most humans would never do, so I can understand why his wife/mate looked ready to just stab him with her fork.

"You know Mr. Winster I completely forgot that we didn't unpack the fridge from the moving truck, can't let our cold foods go to waste and what not. It was lovely seeing you again Mrs. Winster but me and Ryder got to go." With a polite smile as I also try to not murder my mate father.

It was a total lie of course because that was the first thing we put it into the house, there really wasn't much food in there besides some milk and cereal.

"But you boys haven't even taken a bite of your food yet. Please eat." Mrs. Winster panic almost made me want to sit down to eat just to see her stop panicking.

"Sorry but you know Brick once there is something that has to be done, he won't stop till it is or you know that he will irritate everyone." Rolling my eyes because that is so not true.

Most of the time.

After getting out that place the first thing was to now start tracking where the hell did our mate go and why where not invited to ditch the party too.

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