"Hell nah! You're going to escape"

"I won't" Jimin pleads. "Trust me"

Jungkook sighs and took out the keys for it.  Once his wrists are free, Jimin pins the younger down and hand cuffs him.

"What the hell?!" Jungkook curses. "How?"

"Yoongi taught me that skill so" Jimin shrugs then walks towards the drawer to find some weapon he can use to protect himself.  Luckily, he opened the right drawer and saw guns in different sizes.

He took two guns and a pack of bullets along with pocket knives that he hid on his leg and on the sleeve of his leather jacket.

"Don't go" Jungkook says when Jimin was about to leave the room. "Please" he begs, his doe eyes starts to water.

"I'm sorry i have to" Without looking back, Jimin closes the door silently and checks Taehyung out if he's still at the living room. When there was no sign of him, he immediately dashes towards the door and ran out of the house.

"Adios bitches"

And now, to find Yoongi. But where? Jimin took out the choker and checks behind the gemstone. There is a written code that says 'SW21ST9BLK'

"Shit." Jimin stares at it closer until that hit him. He roams his gaze around and found a motorcycle that has it keys on. Smirking, he hops in at the vehicle and zooms away.


"Holy shit where is he?!"

I just found out that Jimin got escaped from Jungkook when i was gone.

"Im sorry" Jungkook starts to cry. "It's my fault"

I walk towards my baby and pecks him on the cheek.

"It's okay" I reassure. "We'll go after him but we need to hurry"

Jungkook wipes his tears away and nodded. After we prepared the things we need to bring, we hopped in at my motorcycle and zooms away.

Jimin needed to stay away from them. Its too dangerous especially that he is the main target of Hajoon. He's so fucking arrogant damn. Without knowing where we should head we stopped and decided to call Namjoon hyung.

"He got escaped?!" Namjoon asks in disbelief.


"Welp were fucking screwed then"

"Where are you guys at?" By my surprise, we heard a gunshot from the other side of the line.

"Oh man holy shit, wait I'll message you the location" After he hang up,  we received the text message that says 'SW21ST7BLK'

"What does this shit means?"

"It's easy" Jungkook says. "SW means South West, ST means street and BLK means Block"


i still dont get it.

"We go South West, 21st street, block 7"

"Ohhhh" Jungkook facepalms and i made a peace sign in return.

Im not smart. But im ok with it though.

I started the engine once again and headed whatever Jungkook said. A few minutes later, i can already hear gunshots from a distance which means were near.

All of the sudden, a lost bullet hit one of the wheels making me lose control of the motorcycle.

"Jump!" both of us jump out and fell on the ground. I quickly pick up my pace and stood up.

"Ready your gun, Kook" I said as i took out mine, loading it with multiple bullets. "It's gonna be bloody anytime soon " i chuckled darkly. Finally, were gonna end this bullshit that Hajoon started.

3rd person

Jimin headed inside an abandoned factory without hesitation. It was empty and full of junk. His curiosity leads him inside of an another room, but this time, there were glass cylinders and inside of it are different kinds of gem stones such as diamond, ruby, quartz and etc.

He can't help but smile on how simple and yet stunning it looks but it soon faded after Jimin felt a presence behind him.

"Nice to see you again Park Jimin" Hajoon chuckles.

Jimin felt a chill run down his spine as his footsteps come closer and closer until it stopped right behind him. In a blink of an eye, the younger was pushed against a chair and Hajoon tied his hands together along with his feet.

"Fucking bastard" Jimin growls. "What the hell do you even want from me? Dead right? Then why don't you just fucking kill me now huh?" he chuckles bitterly.

"You'll need to suffer first like how i suffered from before" Hajoon says and turns away. He notice a picture fell out of Jimin's pocket and picks it up.

Once he saw what it is, his blood started to boil.

"Where did you get this picture?" Hajoon clenched his fist. "You know what forget it"

"What did i ever.. Do to you?"

"You have done a lot of things, Jimin" He replies. "You see this girl? This girl is my mother"

"Your father and my mother are partners in crime before. Both of them love each other a lot and wanted to get married soon. But no matter what, they can't. And why?  Your father is arranged marriage to another girl which is your mother. The day before the wedding, they hang out for the last time and even make out. Unfortunately, my mother got pregnant and told your father about it. He didn't believe her making her furious thinking that she was just faking it so they can be together. Your father had already move on but she didn't. So the day i was born, my mother refused to take care of me and told the nurse im not her son that i was just a mistake. I thought she'll get over it after several years but no, everyday she keeps on telling me that i was just mistake and that it was my fault why your father hated her"

Hajoon growls and turns to look at Jimin.

"I was the one who killed your parents though" He laughs. "And now its your turn to die"

Hajoon places the gun right at Jimin's head. A loud gunshot interrupted the two and it turns out, Hajoon got shot at the stomach by Yoongi.

"Jimin!" He ran towards him and immediately unties the ropes. "Are you ok?"

"Yes im fine– SHIT YOONGI BEHIND YOU" Yoongi already got shoot at his side causing him to yowl in pain. 

"Hurry let's get out" The two walks out of the building as fast as he can and get inside the car. Jimin starts to drive right away.

"Im taking you to the hospital"

"Jimin.. stop" Yoongi says. "You do-dont have to"

"I have to! If not you're going to die!" Jimin says.

When he was about to stop the car, he steps on the brake but only to find out that it was broken.

"Y-Yoongi! The breaks won't work!" Soon, the car started to lose control.

"Jump out of the car"

"But you're coming with me right?"

"No" Yoongi smiles bitterly. "Now jump"

"What the hell no! Yoongi don't be like this please i can't do this i love you and i don't want to lose another person from my life again" By then Jimin starts to cry.

Yoongi kisses him one last time before pushing him out and let the car crash.

"I'm sorry"




『Thief』; YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now