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First things first.. The author is stupid. Second.. I manage to stole a phone from someone and called Namjoon then told him what happened.

"IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO MY CHILD I'LL BURY YOU ALIVE YOONGSHIT" Jin screams from the other side of the phone and since I'm on loud speaker, some passerbys took some weird glances towards my direction.

"Damn it Jin! Didn't Namjoon told you that you can only be loud in bed?" I can imagine Jin's face crimson red by now.

"Yep I did but I guess this princess of mine forgot about it"

"Namjoon!" Jin scowls.

"That's not my name you should calling me now princess"

"Yah! Before you two fuck can you track where Jimin is?"

"Done that. I'll text you the address later now bye bye and return the phone you damn stole" Namjoon stated.

"How the hell-"

"First, you're using a different number and second, your phone is always low on battery" This bastard- "Now bye bye"

The phone call already ended by the time an officer came, holding a gun and aiming it at me.

"Try ru-running away Min and I'll ha-have to sh-shoot you!" I can tell by the tone of his voice that he's scared.

"Take it easy boy" I chuckled and slowly raised both of my hands, trying to look that I already gave up but the truth is I'm not. He slowly walk towards me, still holding his gone and took out the silver handcuffs.

The officer grabs both of my arms but before he could even cuff it, I grab the gun first and next is both of his hands. Throwing the gun out of his reach, I cuffed both of his hands. See? Pretty easy.

"Do-don't shoot me!" he begs as I grab the gun that I threw earlier. Shrugging, I left him alone. I don't really care about that officer though so why bother?

I check my phone to see if that horny shit already texted me and infact, he already did. Tapping upon the location, I know exactly where he is.

Until another message came in.

I also know that you're a lazy piece of shit so I called someone to bring you there

Oh wow he really does know me well

A metallic black car pulls up infront of me. The window starts to roll down revealing a horse wearing black shades and a smug smile plastered on his face.

"Is Namjoon sure he called someone not somehorse" I smirked smugly as I get in the passenger seat. His smile was replaced with a pissed off look.

"Fuck you" Hoseok does the finger to me before starting the car. "You're lucky that I'm not busy today"

"How's your job as a stripper?" I asks earning a glare from Hoseok.

Oh how much I love to tease this horse but I only like him as a friend. I like someone else so get that in mind.

"Yoongi if you're just going to be a bitch I might as well throw you out of the car"

"I was kidding" I said playfully.

"Do you want to eat? I prepared food for you" He says then points at the lunch box prepared nicely from the back seat.

"Idc if you put poison on this, I rather die with a full stomach rather than hungry" I grab the meal and began to eat it.

"What makes you think I put poison on that huh bitch"

"Tell that to Vernon who got exploding diarrhea after eating your cooked meal"

( © to my mom aka @-woozi for the exploding diarrhea thingy ily )

"Well i told him not to eat it but since he's pretty stubborn and even cussed at me in English, he got instant karma" Hoseok shrugs.

So far so good. It doesn't have any poison or something. The meal that this horse prepared was lamb skewers. Tbh, it tastes really good. Did Hoseok really made this? Hmm.

"It was a shocker that a horse can cook lamb skewer"

"It was also a shocker that a turtle can eat lamb skewer"

"Does my face looks like I care?"

"Nope. Your face looks like a grumpy 2 year old but actually a grandpa" Hoseok snaps. "And not to mention a hoe that has a dying scalp"

"Fuck you"

"Gladly" He then winks making me cringe. Why is he my best friend again?


Yoonseok though 😏

I deleted Hate now woops 😯 and if im going to make a new yoonmin fanfic..

Top Yoongi and bottom Jimin
Top Jimin and bottom Yoongi

I'll let you guys decide 😉

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