Chapter 3

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Yay another chapter is out XD

anyways after this chapter, its going to be getting more intense or something idk *shrugs*



Chapter Three

"Aleks! We're home with pizza!"

He heard Eddie yell out from downstairs and the door slamming shut. Rolling his eyes, Aleks quickly saved his editing and walked out of the room, towards downstairs. Standing by the doorway, he looked at his friends, laughing and having fun.

Then he mind went to Shikamaru's warning and frowns, 'I'm not going back to that hellhole' he thought making his final decision. 'I agree with you kit' Kyuubi told him, 'Thanks furball'


(Next Day)

"I'll be back Eddie!" Aleks shouted as he quickly ran out the door in a hurry.

He had forgotten that he promised his friend James to go shopping with him for some wires and equipment to replace and when he woke up in the morning to his phone vibrating and saw why and panicked.

'You better hurry up before he starts getting inpatient' Kyuubi told him, 'I fucking know and I don't feel like hearing James bitching' Aleks said as he felt the fox pushing some of his charka into his legs, making him run faster.

After of what seems like a few minutes, Aleks could faintly see James, standing by the bus stop, having his arms crossed and tapping his foot, looking inpatient. 'Shit' he thought, already imagining the yelling that James will do as he got closer.

"I'm fucking sorry James! Eddie was being an ass and turned my alarm off!" Aleks started to explain to him, slightly lying. James simply glared at him and was about to yell at him when he stopped, staring at his face in confusion.

After a few seconds of silence, Aleks looked at him, confused on why he wasn't yelling. "What?" he asked, curious and confused. "What happened to your face?" James asked him, which made Aleks tensed up a bit and pulled out his phone to see his reflection. 'FURBALL WHAT THE HELL!?' Aleks yelled in his head, seeing the whiskers visible. 'Mm....seems like my charka is slowly coming back, therefore the whiskers are showing' Kyuubi explained to him.

"Uh......I think Eddie drew them while I was asleep" Aleks told him, lying. James tilts his head a bit before looking away to hide his light blush, "Whatever let's go" he said as he was walking away with Aleks following him.


"Ugh finally" Aleks groaned as he was walking out of the small store, holding a plastic bag and took out his phone. "Barely noon" he mutters to himself, seeing the clock and looked around. During the trip, he and James had managed to get separated and now Aleks doesn't know where he is.

"Damn it James, this always happens" Aleks complained to himself as he started walking around, hoping to find him. 'Why don't you just use your charka to find him' Kyuubi lazily asked him, 'Too lazy' Aleks simply said and started messing with his phone, while walking and instantly went into auto-pilot as he was talking to Kyuubi.

'So what's the plan?'

'What plan?'

'......You really don't have any ideas'

'Furball if you're talking about that village trying to take me back then no I don't have a plan'

'-sighs- Kit, have you been training during the years I been asleep?'


'Why haven't you!?'

'Shut up! I was banished! I wasn't expecting them to sudden turn around and want to take me back!' Aleks argued back, growling a bit in annoyance.

But before they could talk more, Aleks was snapped out of his mindscape, feeling a hand roughly grab the front of his shirt, pulling him to the side and into an unused room, being thrown to the ground roughly.

"Ack! What the fuck!" Aleks shouted in anger and slight pain as he quickly pushed himself up and turned around to punch the stranger, but his fist was caught. He glared at the person before stiffens, seeing who it was.



*sits in emo corner*

I really got to try to make longer chapters but oh well *shrugs*

Also I'm letting you guys pick who Aleks/Naruto will end up with but I'm not going to pick the winner right away, I'll pick it in a few chapters so yeah XD

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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