Backstory to Target! Sasuke x Assassin! Reader

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(Y/N)'s phone rang. The contact name was unknown.

'Well. YOLO.' She thought as she answered the phone.


"I am in need of your services. You have a great amount of past training, (Y/N)."

"Who are you?"

"All you need to know, is that my name is Amaya, your name is (Y/N), and you're an assassin."

"My name is (Y/N)? No shit. Wait. An assassin?! Oh, hell no. I'm not a criminal."

"Well, I texted you some information about what I do. I just did it." With that, Amaya hung up.

'That voice.....I definitely know her....' (Y/N) thought as she read the texts. A few seconds after she read the texts, she received another phone call.

"Now, you know too much. So, if you back out now, you die." (Y/N) frowned.

"Good. You're on board. I just sent you an address. Go to the rooftop there tomorrow, and face north. Got it?" Amaya hung up.

'Oh god. What have I gotten myself into?' (Y/N) mentally facepalmed.
((Me: why facepalm mentally when you have a palm and a face just sitting there? okay I'll stop.))

"So....who's my first target?"

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