Esther smiled proudly that Kol stood up Ariel; she definitely knew what side he was on. "Listen, you need to take her to dinner though. Ariel will trust Davina soon because of Asher, so she will be the key to that part of our plan."


Can I make it up over dinner? Sorry, I got caught at work.

Ariel smiled at her phone and got up to look at the mirror. She smoothed down her hair and started to head towards the door. When she opened it, she came face to face with Davina and Asher kissing.

"Oh god," Ariel covered her eyes and brushed past the two. "Not in my bed love birds!"

"You're disgusting!" Asher called out to his sister as she headed down the street.

Kaleb had told her to meet at Rousseau's again, and this time she was counting on him to show up or she was done. She walked into the restaurant, immediately spotting Kaleb who had a table ready for them. Kol looked up and saw Ariel; she looked breathtaking. She was wearing a new top that was a dark blue and white jeans to compliment it. He stood up and pulled out her chair for her.

Ariel wanted to fire a 'I can sit down myself', but she held it back. Instead she said, "thank you" and looked at the menu. The waitress came by and set down two beers. It was odd as it was Ariel's favorite beer Kaleb ordered, but she praised him for a lucky guess.

"So, first thing's first I have to see if you're a crazy," Ariel simply started off. "Childhood, family, past relationships, criminal record. And then simple things like hobbies, favorites of things, and why you even chose to hang out with me."

Kol laughed at Ariel ramble on; any other guy would think she's crazy, but she was just goddamn cute to Kol.

"To start off, my childhood was probably the best parts of my life. Mother and father were happy, I wasn't an outcast, the usual. Then a bunch of crap happened and my family became a bunch of lunatics. For past relationships...I had a very special girl. She was full of light, beautiful, cared for others, and literally made my whole life better." Kol saw the jealousy look on Ariel's face and quickly tried to cover it up, "But, this certain girl is sitting across from me right now and she's definitely making the other girl make a run for it."

Ariel smiled at him as he continued, "I don't have a criminal record by the way and never will. I wanted to hang out with because you just seem so intriguing. You're also very beautiful, pretty girl. My hobbies are practicing magic–"

"Wait," Ariel cut him off. "You're a witch?"

"Don't look so surprised love," Kol leaned forward and smirked at her. "I know an angel when I see one. That's also another reason why I asked you to hang out."

Ariel leaned in closer to him too, staring at him, "Oh great. Do you want something from me?"

"No no no," Kol shook his head. "I just know you're story, I've heard it from your brother when he came to the cemetery with Davina yesterday."

"I hate him," Ariel sighed as she leaned back in her seat. She cocked her head at Kaleb, becoming curious now to what he knew. "So Mr.Westphall, what do you know about me?"

Kol knew everything there was to the angel in front of him, but needed to not go overboard or she would become suspicious. "You came to Mystic Falls to protect someone, that person actually being an original vampire – Kol, I think his name was. You two were in love, but then he got killed by one of your best friends and you left."

Afterlife ✧ kol mikaelson [2] ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ