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Jordan's POV

I've been interning with the Cubs for a week now and I have fallen in love with this organization more than I ever thought I would. Anthony got home a couple days ago and today is the first home game I am working with the Cubs. I am going to be up in one of the boxes watching the game with Theo the President and Jed the GM. I am so excited that I have the opportunity to sit with them but I am so nervous that I am going to say something embracing that could get me fired. I made my way to the stadium like it was any normal day at the job. I would be spending the next 14 hours at Wrigley field and I couldn't be happier about that. I am the youngest person working in the Cubs office by at least 5 years currently, but with that being said I have made a few friends one of them being a guy named Cam, who is an assistant to the GM. He is the closest person to my age in the office and he is constantly trying to make me feel comfortable.

After I park my car I grab my bag and everything I need for my long ass day. I see Cam just got here so I decided to wait for him to grab everything he needs before I go in. He waves and starts walking over to me.

"Hey Jordan! How are you?" He asked

"I'm good. I can't wait for the game today. I have seen a couple of Cubs games in person but this is different. I feel important now when I watch them." I said while we walked into the building. Cam walked with me to my office since his office was on the way. We were just talking about random things. When we made it to my I noticed that there were flowers on my desk.

"Who are those from?" Cam asked.

"I am not really sure. There better be a card that goes with them so I can thank who ever sent them to me." I told Cam as I made my way over to the flowers (picture up above). I saw a card in the middle of the flowers and pulled it out to read it.

"I'm sorry I haven't talked to you since our date (yes it was a date if you weren't sure). I have been really busy but I want to see you after the game today. I'll text you a couple hours before the game to let you know what we are doing. If you don't want to come out I understand but I would love to see you again! KB" I read it and felt a little confused about my feelings. Of course I want to see him again, but also he ignored me for over a week. Should I really see him just because he asked? Luckily I have a couple more hours to think this through. (The flowers above are the flowers that Kris have Jordan.)

"Well I'm off to work. I'll see you later at the game right?" Cam said as he was walking away.

"Yea! I'll see you at the game." I said and sat down at my desk. The rest of my morning went by pretty quickly. Anthony texted me saying that he would be bringing me lunch around 1PM. I heard people saying hi to somebody and I just knew it was Anthony. He made his way over to my desk. When I turned around I saw that he wasn't alone.

"OMG what are you doing here?!?!" I jumped up and hugged Brittany. She should be at her internship, not here. I was able to get her a ticket for the game tonight but she said she couldn't get off any sooner than when the game was supposed to start.

"I was able to get thee rest of the day off! Anthony came and got me and we wanted to surprise you!" She was so excited. Anthony just laughed at the two of us. We all went into the break room and had lunch together. It was really nice that Anthony was able to pull off this surprise. I knew he knew that Brittany and I were not seeing each other that much because we both are really busy now. Cam walked into the break room and was shocked when he saw Anthony.

"Your Anthony Rizzo?" Cam starred at Anthony and Anthony just laughed and waved. He would have said something but he was in the middle of chewing his food.

"Hey Cam! This is my brother Anthony and my best friend Brittany." I said. Cam looked at me and you could see that he was now back to normal.

"Hi! Sorry I just started here a couple of weeks ago and I haven't met everyone yet. But anyway, Jordan, Theo and Jed said that if you get everything done early then you can be done for the rest of the day." Cam told me.

"Oh great! I'm almost done so it shouldn't take me that long to finish everything. Thanks for telling me Cam." I said while I looked at Brittany. Cam said bye to us all and left to go back to work.  "Do you want to hang out with Anthony for a little bit til I am done and then I will meet up with you in about an hour?" I asked her. I knew Anthony would be happy to show Brittany around the club house and get some alone time with her.

"Yea that sounds great! As long as its okay with you Anthony? I don't want to intrude on your day and distract you before your game." Brittany looked to Anthony.

"Oh, it's fine. Don't worry about it." Anthony told Brittany. They both smiled at each other and went and finished their food.

We all cleaned up our trash and threw out everything. We left the break room and made our way back to my desk. I gave Brittany a hug and she walked towards the elevator. Anthony gave me a hug and then looked at me.

"Don't worry you don't have to rush through your work. I don't mind having alone time with Brittany for a couple hours." He said smiling in the process.

"Don'tworry you will have at least an hour of alone time with her." I said whilepatting his back. He smiled at me and said bye and made his way to the elevatorwhere Brittany was waiting. I'm hoping that Brittany is at least a littleinterested in Anthony because he seems to like her but I know he doesn't wantto jump into anything with her too quickl'7

That Unexpected Feeling- Kris BryantWhere stories live. Discover now