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I know I haven't posted in a while. I have been really busy with finals and papers and presentations, but now my semester is over!!! The picture above is what Anthony's dogs look like. Here is the next part of the story.

Jordan's POV

The Next Morning

I woke up around 11 in the morning, which is a little upsetting because I had such a long day yesterday and did not get much sleep. I got out of bed and walked out my room. My dogs were hot on my tail, which means that have to go outside. We made our way downstairs and I let them out in Anthony's little green space in his front yard. After they do their business, we went back inside and made our way to the kitchen where I could hear Anthony and Brittany talking and laughing. I'm assuming Anthony already went to practice and was done with his job for the day. Mine and Anthony's dogs start playing with each other while I go and find some food to eat.

"Wow, sleeping beauty is finally awake, took you long enough." Anthony said. I turned around, picked up an apple that was on the counter, and threw it at him. I hit him right in the head. Brittany and I cracked up laughing. "Why couldn't mom have put you in soccer, instead of softball as a kid." Anthony said while rubbing the part of his head that I hit him

"She did don't you remember, I just liked softball more because I wanted to be like my big brother." I said while giving him a sarcastic smile. He returned the sarcastic smile because he knew I was right. "What in the world did you guys have for breakfast? Anthony there is nothing in your fridge. You need to go shopping because three people cannot live here and not have a lot of food in the fridge." I told him.

"Good lord, you sound like mom, and I was going to see if you guys want to go grocery shopping today so that we can get food for the house that we all like so we do not have to go out to eat that often." Anthony said while looking at me and Brittany.

"That actually sounds really nice. I'll go get ready!" Brittany said sprinting up the stairs. Anthony watched her closely and laughed at her enthusiasm. I haven't seen him look at a girl like that in a long time.

"You like her don't you?" I asked him. He looked at me and blushed a little and looked away.

"I don't know. I find her really interesting and I feel like I have a school boy crush on her. I don't think she feels the same way but I want to see how my feelings pan out before I decide if I want to make a move on her. Too many of my relationships failed because I thought I liked someone before I actually did." Anthony said. He sounded really sincere and like her really cared about her. I was surprised. Anthony never talks to me about his feelings, let alone tell me who he likes. He has had a few in his life, and I definitely know that he has had a few flings with more girls than he would like to admit.

"Wow, Anthony. If you are taking it slow trying to figure out your feelings, you must care at least a little bit about what happens to her if something does not work out." I told him.

"I do. I care about our friendship and her friendship with you." He said. I'm happy that he cares about my friendship with Brittany. Anthony dated one of my friends when we were in high school, and when their relationship ended, my friendship with her ended because of what happened between them. Im very happy that he cares enough to not get into something too quickly to try and spare my friendship from being ruined.

"Thanks Anthony. I'm sure if something were to happen between you guys that you guys would make a great couple, but I do appreciate the fact that you are taking things slow to make sure that everything goes right in your relationship if something does happen."

Brittany comes back down and Anthony just smiles at me. "Hey, Britt, can you let the dogs out? I'm not sure how long we are going to be gone." I asked her while Anthony and I go upstairs to change.

"Sure!" Brittany said while walking to the door. All the dogs were following her and they ran outside really quickly when that door opened. I did not take a long time for Anthony and I to get ready so we were back downstairs before the dogs were even done outside.

We got the dogs back inside and put them in Anthony's basement because that's where they go when he is not home. We all got into Anthony's car and made our way to the grocery store. On the way to the grocery store my phone buzzed saying that I had a text. I looked at who it was from and couldn't help but smile. It was from Kirs!

Text Message Conversation:

Kris: Hey! I hope you got a goodnights sleep. Sorry I kept you up so late last night.

Me: Hey! Yea I slept great last night and don't worry it was fine. It was nice talking to you and getting to know you.

Kris: Yea you too! Do you want to get lunch or dinner today if you are not too busy?

Me: Yea that would be nice. I'm out with my brother and Brittany right now and I'm not sure when we are going to be done, so how about dinner?

Kris: That sounds great! Dress casual. It's going to be more than just dinner ;)

Me: Okay?!? See you later.

End of Text Conversation.

I turned around to Brittany and handed her my phone so she could read the messages. Her eyes went wide at what Kris said last. She just looked at me with such a shocked expression. "I know, I have no idea what I just signed myself up for." I told her.

"What did you sign up for?" Anthony asked looking at me and Brittany.


"Nothing!" Brittany and I said at the same time and then laughed. Oh boy, this is going to be interesting.

That Unexpected Feeling- Kris Bryantحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن