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Anthony's POV

I was patiently waiting at home for my sister to call me to tell me that they are almost here. They were supposed to try and leave early so that they get here at a reasonable time but Jordan called me around 10am saying that they got a late start and just left. I live a 5 bedroom townhouse with just my 2 dogs, so I'm happy that Jordan and Brittany are going to be staying here because it now means that I'm going to have a full house.  It's now just past midnight and they should be getting here soon. I heard my phone ring and answered without looking at the caller ID because I assumed it would be Jordan telling me they are getting off the highway.

"Are you almost here?" I said in an annoyed tone. I was tired. I had a noon game today and tomorrow was a day off so I should either be out or asleep, not just sitting on my couch watching GSN.

"Dude, I'm not your sister, but you should bring them downtown and come bar hopping with us!" Kris Bryant said in a little high pitches voice, which means he was drunk.

"I told you that once they get here they probably just want to sleep. They have had a long drive and had a late night last night. Maybe next time we can go out." I said trying to get him off the phone in case Jordan called.

"Well fine if you guys aren't coming out, could you at least come get me and then drive me and my car home?" He asked, which I'm happy he did because there have been sometimes when he will drive himself when he really shouldn't.

"I'll ask them when they get here but I'm sure it shouldn't be a problem. And if they don't want to come, I'll just come get you and you can stay here and we can get your car tomorrow." I told him.

"Okay sounds good just let me know! Bye bye!" He said as the background noise got louder and then he hung up.

I set my phone down only for it to ring again.


"Hey! We just got off the highway. We should be at your house really soon." Jordan said. I could tell she was tired but also excited to see me.

"Okay see you guy soon. There is room in the driveway for you to park." I told her. I have a three car garage, but it's full with my two cars and then a bunch of stuff that I don't use that often.

"Okay sounds good. See you in a few!" She said then she hung up.

About fifteen minutes later I hear knocking at my door. My two boxers get up but don't bark because they are really tired and are curious as to what's going on, so I get up to answer it and I get plowed over by my sister who goes straight to my dogs and completely ignores me.

"Wow Jordan you can't even say hi to your own brother or grab your own dogs" Brittany says while being dragged by my sisters two dogs. They are pretty big and Brittany isn't the most coordinated person at times. I have always found her kind of pretty but I don't think I could date one of my sisters friends again. The last time I did, it didn't that well.

"Typical Jordan. Leaving her friend to do all the real work while she just goes and plays. Hey Brittany!" I said while having a smile on my face and giving Brittany a hug. I closed the door and helped her take off the leashes of my sisters dogs.

"Hey! This is the closest I am getting to be an aunt because lets be honest, Anthony isn't settling down anytime soon." Jordan said as she continued to pet my dogs. She had a point that I wasn't looking to settle down but no one I've been with has made me want to try and settle down.

"Well if you don't give me a hug then we are really going to have an issue!" I said in a sarcastic tone but was also kind of serious at the same time.

"Okay okay, come here!" She said getting up and giving me a bear hug. It's always nice to see my sister. I haven't seen her since Christmas so it has been a while.

"Well I have something to ask you guys and you can say no if you want to. One of my teammates asked if we could go pick him up and take him and drive his car home because he's a drunk and doesn't want to get in trouble." I explained to them.

"Yea sure. I don't see the problem with that!" Jordan said and Brittany agreed as well.

We all went outside and brought their stuff in and then piled into my car. I called Kris and told him we were coming to get him. He said he will leave and walk to where he is by his car and then drop a pin for us to be able to find him easily.

About 20 minutes later we found him standing next to his car.

"Thank goodness you guys came. I was starting to get scared that you weren't coming and I was going to be left standing here alone." Kris said while coming over and giving me a hug.

We pulled away from hug and I introduced Jordan and Brittany to him. He's still new to Chicago so him getting to meet some people that are young like him and that are going to be here for a few months is a good thing I think. He shook both of their hands, and Jordan and Kris's hands stayed together a little longer than I would like. I looked at the two of them and they were staring into each others eyes.

"Okay well who wants to drive and who wants to be passenger."

"I'll drive!" Jordan said very quickly. Kris handed her his keys just as quickly and they made there way into his car. Brittany got back into my car and I walked over to Kris's driver side door to talk to Jordan.

"Hey I know where he lives so just follow me so you don't get lost and so drunk boy over here doesn't mess up the directions to his own place." I told her. I was concerned about them being in the car together but I know Jordan is smart.

"Okay no problem!" She said and then closed the door on me.

I walked back over to my car and got into the drivers seat and started to car. I was happy to be alone with Brittany for a little bit but couldn't help but wonder what kind of conversations Kris and Jordan were about to have.

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