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These are the dogs that Jordan have. They are Siberian Huskies which is my dream dog. So why not have the character that is based off of me have the dream dog that I want. I hope you guys like the chapter.

Jordan's POV

I had finally finished packing for the summer. It's bitter sweet knowing that Brittany and I are going to be leaving Tallahassee tomorrow. We decided that we would go out with a few friends to celebrate the beginning of summer and to say our final goodbyes before we all go our separate ways for the summer.

"Hey Brittany, are you ready to go? Everyone is already at Madison Social. Come on!" I said trying to get her to hurry up.

"Yea hold on just finishing up getting ready. Just give me a few minutes." She said.

Brittany came down about 5 minutes later and we walked to Madison Social. It was only a couple of block from where we live so we decided we would save money and be safe at the same time. We made it to Madison Social, showed the bouncer our ID's and walked in. We immediately saw our group of friends.

"Finally you guys made it! What took you so long?" our friend David asked us as he came over and gave us a hug.

"This one wanted to look perfect before leaving the house." I said pointing to Brittany while laughing in the process.

David just laughed and we walked over to the rest of the group. Brittany and I gave everyone a hug and then went over to the bar and got ourselves a couple of drinks. I sat down next to David and Brittany sat across from me. We talked and drank for a couple hours until it was time to leave. Brittany and I were both pretty drunk so David and our friend Tyler decided to walk us back to our place to make sure we got home safe. I have always had a thing for David, so I loved the fact that as we were walking back he put his arm around my shoulder.

"So what time are you guys leaving tomorrow?" David asked while we were walking.

"Anytime really. It's a 15 hour drive so it's going to take a long time no matter what." I told him as I slightly stumbled into him a little while we were walking. Hey I'm drunk what do you expect.

"Well I hope you guys have a great time. I'm so jealous that you guys get to spend your whole summer in Chicago, and I'm especially jealous of you that you get to spend your whole summer with the Chicago Cubs getting!" David is a huge Cubs fan. He knows that my brother is Anthony Rizzo but does not treat me any different because of it. We met each other my freshman year of college and I didn't tell him who my brother was until the beginning of this year.

"I am pretty lucky that I was able to get the internship, and I have to admit it did help that my brother got me through the door and got me an interview." I said. We got back to my apartment and the four of us went inside and hung out in the living room for a bit. We talked about random stuff and did not realize how late it was until Tyler said something.

"Wow, its 4 in the morning. I think it is time for David and me to go so that you guys can get to sleep and get some rest before you leave tomorrow." Tyler said as he was getting up. I was a little upset about this because I was snuggled up with David on the couch. He slowly got up, groaning in the process.

"Yea I guess we should. I guess I will see you guys when you get back. I will call you throughout the summer and I can't wait to see pictures of your fun summer." David said. Brittany gave them both a hug and then went to her room. I gave Tyler a hug and he left. I went and gave David a hug and we just stayed there for a few seconds. He smelled really good and was a great hugger.

"God I really can't believe I have to go the whole summer without seeing you in person." He said as we slowly pulled away from our hug but his arms were still locked around my waste.

"I know but I will go by really quickly. I'm sure if you can get the time off that my brother would not mind you staying with us at his apartment if you want to come and visit." I said to him as I looked up into his eyes. I am 5 foot 8 inches and he is about 6 foot 1 inches so for me to look eye to eye with him I have to look up a little.

"I might actually take you up on that." He said as he slowly leaned in. I was a little surprised about what was happening but I was so excited also. Our lips met and he went and deepened the kiss. After about 5 minutes of making out, Tyler came back knocking on the door wondering what's taking David so long. WE pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Bye Jordan. I really hope to see you soon!" He smiled as he opened the door to leave. I walked over to the door and locked it behind him. I just stood there for a minute and thought about that kiss. It was amazing.

"Damn now that's something to look forward to for the rest of the summer" I said outload as I made my way to my room. I curled up into bed and my two dogs curled up with me. I drifted to sleep really quickly and could not wait to get on the road tomorrow.

That Unexpected Feeling- Kris BryantWhere stories live. Discover now