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I hope you guys like this post. I'll try and write another part in the next few days.


­­­Jordan's POV

"OH MY GOD!!!! I LOVE DAVE AND BUSTERS!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE WE ARE HERE!!!!" I was so excited!! I haven't been to Dave and Busters in such a long time. My whole family loves games and we go to Dave and Busters all the time because it is such a great bonding experience for all of us.

"See I told you that I knew you well." Kris said while grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. I was so excited! I jumped on his back, which he was not expecting, but he caught me and made sure I did not fall. He carried me for a little bit and then put me down when we got close to the main doors. When we got inside the hostess asked us if we are playing games or just eating.

"Oh, we are playing games! I have to show him who is boss." I said. The hostess laughed and let us through. We made our way to the bar first and got a couple of drinks. Kris gave the bartender his card and told him to keep the tab open. We made our way through Dave and Busters started playing games. We were having so much fun. I had a feeling that Kris was letting me win most of the games, but I was okay with that. We played games and drank for a couple hours and we were starting to get a tipsy and hungry. We decided that it was time to get food and relax for a while.

"So how did you know how much I love Dave and Busters?" I asked Kris. We decided to get a round booth so we could sit closer together and talk a lot easier.

"Honestly, I remember Anthony telling me how much he enjoys going to Dave and Busters with his family whenever he is home and I just assumed you liked it as much as he does and my assumption was correct." He said. Our waitress came over and we placed our food orders. I got a burger and he got steak.

"Wow, usually whenever I go on dates with girls, they just order a salad." Kris said a little surprised that I ordered a burger.

"First, who said this was a date? And second, I love food and I do not let whoever I am with determine what I eat. And plus, I'm a little tipsy and I love eating when I'm at this stage." I said slightly laughing. I was happy that he thought this was a date. He smiled after I called him out on saying this was a date.

"Hey, if this wasn't going as well as it was I wouldn't have called it a date. I'm enjoying spending time with you and I hope we could spend more time with each other." He said while looking at me dead in the eyes. I was blushing so much that I was happy the light was dim in here so that he could not see me blushing.

"Well, good thing I'm going to be here all summer and we are going to be having to see a lot of each other." I told him. We talked a little bit more and then our food came. I guess we were both hungry because we ate really quickly and did not leave a single crumb on our plates.

"Do you want to play anymore games or do you want to get out of here and go somewhere else?" Kris asked me. I kind of wanted to stay but at the same time I wanted to see what else Kris had up his sleeve.

"We can leave." I said and we got up to pay at the bar. Kris paid the bill and would not let me see how much it was or even help pay it. I knew it had to be a lot based on what we drank, ate and played.

We left and we started walking away. We parked a few blocks away from Dave and Busters because he wanted to keep where we were going a secret for as long as possible. We made our way to a park that was by the water and just walked around for a little bit.

"So, why do you want to work in sports? Like what draws you to it?" Kris asked me. He was trying to get to know me and I liked that.

"I always knew that I wanted to be involved in sports one way or another, and working in the management side of it is a lot more interesting than what people would think." I said. We held hands as we continued to walk through the park. I was so comfortable walking around with Kris, it felt so natural. We sat on a bench and he pulled me closer to him so there was no space between our bodies.

"How is it that someone as carefree and fun like you does not have a significant person in their life?" Kris said while looking down at me. I looked up at him and we locked eyes. He started to slowly lean down, and I closed my eyes. All of the sudden sparks started going off. And we were not kissing. Fireworks were going off on Lake Michigan. It scared the crap out of us and we just sat there and admired the scene. Once the fireworks were over, we got up and made our way back to Kris's care. He took me back to Anthony's house. He stopped the car in front of his house and put the car in park.

"I'm really happy we were able to go out tonight. It was nice seeing the playful side of you. Maybe we could do it again sometime soon." Kris said.

"For sure. It was a lot of fun hanging out with." I opened the passenger side door. I started to move to get out, but Kris grabbed my hand, which made me turn around. I one swift motion he grabbed my face and our lips crashed together. It was truly magic. It had to be the best kiss I had ever had. I kissed him back. We pulled away after about a minute and just stayed there with our noses touching.

"We really need to hang out again sometime soon." Kris whispered and smiled.

"Yea we really do." I whispered and started moving to get out of the car again. I got out and closed the door and made my way into Anthony's house. I walked upstairs and went into my room. I got changed and laid in bed thinking about that kiss. I texted Brittany saying that I needed to tell her about my night tomorrow and she texted back almost immediately saying that we really need to talk tomorrow. I put my phone on the night stand and drifted off to sleep wondering about what is going to happen the next time I see Kris.

That Unexpected Feeling- Kris BryantWhere stories live. Discover now