Chapter 6 - A Few Whispered Words

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The prince risks a glance through the grate and manages to catch the boy blushing a little now with a goofy smile on his face as though he had just heard the best thing in the world. With a smile himself Arthur starts to wonder how he can recreate that smile again tomorrow.


Arthur glances around excitedly, swivelling his head in every direction as he stares in amazement at the bustling town around him. Everything seems like a whole new world. The tavern, the inn, the market, even something as simple as the stables, makes the young prince giddy with excitement. He's never been to Mercia before and based off the things his father had told him he always assumed it was a poor kingdom, but as he stares at all the people that pass and the buildings that line the sides of the path its clear now that his father was wrong.

Despite his inner joy he keeps the excitement to himself, not daring to show his eagerness to explore while his father is riding only a short distance in front of him. He's supposed to act like an adult. Like the Prince of Camelot, not some child. He keeps his back straight as his horse follows behind that of his father's and the King of Mercia. He needs to look regal. This is his first official visit to a neighbouring kingdom after all. He needs to be on his best behaviour.

It's not until the next day that the prince is allowed to head out, with one of the knights of course, into the town to explore. He's practically jumping with energy the entire time, dashing all about whenever something catches his eye, asking all sorts of questions to the locals. It's not that he truly cares about the kingdom or that he's curious about its history. It's just that he wants to find something interesting to tell Merlin when he goes back home.

"Sire," the knight, Sir Leon, says, "should we not head back now? Your father said to be back before dinner."

"I know, I know," Arthur says, still looking around, "I'll go back soon. I just want to go see one more place."

Leon sighs, but nods. "Alright, but after this we have to go back."

Arthur grins and hurries off rather happy that Sir Leon is the guard his father assigned him. He knows the knight well as they're close in age, though Leon is older, and they often train together during practise. At least they did before Leon became a knight a few weeks ago. Now he's usually too busy. But still he's happy to be able to explore the town with the knight as he is one of the few people he would consider his friend.

Arthur stops by the market, staring at the numerous stalls in wonder as he wanders between the rows. A few of the shopkeepers who aren't already busy with guests send him warm smiles, trying to wave him over with offers of fine goods and other wares. He brushes most aside, not finding anything of interest, though he admits there are a few that he can't help but walk over and examine. 

"We should get going now sire," Leon says, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, "You're father is waiting."

Arthur frowns, giving one last scan of the place before sighing. There really is nothing here. he turns, about to leave when something catches his eye. He stops, dashing over to the store and stopping in front of the stall. The man at the store smiles at him kindly, apparently noticing the eagerness in the boy's eyes. "Did you see something you like?" The merchant asks, gesturing down at the cloths on the table. 

Arthur's eyes trail towards a bright, red cloth on the table. He picks at the fabric, feeling it between his fingers. It's soft and comfortable, something that even he wouldn't mind wearing. The vibrant red would match well with Merlin. 

"You interested lad?" the merchant asks with a smirk.

Arthur grins back then picks up the cloth, "How much?"

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