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Name: Mossystone

Quinn: Normally the prefix Mossy- has me cringing, but I can see why you did it. Mossstone... just... no. So perks to you for this solution. It's also a name that makes sense (unlike Brambleclaw, because brambles have claws? what?).

Raven: I was actually planning to use this name myself. I love it that much, but it bothers me because I hate hate hate seeing people use the same names for their characters as I do for mine.

Gender: she-cat

Quinn: Power to the ladies. *tips fedora*

Raven: *winks* 

Sexuality: unknown

Quinn: I can't say why this makes me as happy as it does, but it might have to do with the realism. Many people aren't entirely certain of where their heart lies so it's refreshing to see someone's character reflect this.

Raven: This is super realistic and 10/10 relatable 

Clan: TroutClan

Quinn: Unique name for an original clan. I'm guessing they live near a large body of water.

Raven: Pretty uncommon name for a fan-made Clan.

Rank: deputy

Quinn: A lady with power. I approve.

Raven: She seems a little young for it, don't you think? Most deputies are much older than she is.

Appearance: light gray fur with darker gray mask on eyes, white muzzle, dark gray stripes down her slightly fluffy tail, dapples of black around her chest and back, shimmering amber eyes, unusually long legs.

Quinn: It's so rare to see a gray/silver OC with amber eyes that I had to stop and reread it. Perks to you for amber (my favorite eye color for OCs), but I'm a little skeptical of their shimmering. Does it have to do with flecks in the irises or emotion? Regardless, Mossystone is genetically accurate, so I find no faults with her overall design. I'm picturing that darker mask as adorable.

Raven: I love this appearance, but I'm not seeing the 'Mossy' part of her name.

Personality: careful, sharp tongued, sly, sees only for herself and never for any they cat, short tempered, shows a pretty kind and trustworthy deputy on the outside of her empty shell, determined, snotty.

Quinn: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Red flags everywhere. The deputy "sees only for herself and never for any [other] cat"? Never? Really?? A deputy is a leader-to-be, someone who must value others usually more than they value themselves. Granted, this aspect of her personality reminds me of Thistleclaw, but that doesn't excuse the fact that, unless the clan was in absolute peril when Mossystone was appointed deputy, a cat that selfish is highly unlikely to be chosen as deputy. Even if she wears a "pretty kind and trustworthy" facade, I doubt that she's able to fool every single cat in her clan. That aside, I like that all of her personality traits go well with echo other - though 'careful' trips me up a little. I can see how it would fit, though, and I like that despite her turmoil of emotions, Mossystone is able to keep them in check - but you made her an "empty shell." ...Why? This doesn't seem to fit her at all and contradicts everything else in the description. If everyone sees her as a likeable deputy, then how can she be everything you just listed if she's void of emotions?

Raven: "her empty shell"

h e r e m p t y s h e l l

The edge has me cringing. But aside from that, I agree with Quinn. It's confusing. And if she has a short temper and is snotty, surely not everyone believes that she's a good deputy?

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