Finally Let go

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"I tried so desperately to let go of you. To kick you out of my heart, my mind, my dreams. I tried my hardest. And I succeeded ... for a while. I ignored the tug at my heart every time I saw little things that reminded me of you (things like My Chemical Romance). I ignored the jealous thoughts that would start to flare up when I thought of you with someone else. I was so used to being the one you would always have your hands on, so used to us absentmindedly touching each other's arms, your thigh grabs tortuously, your kisses. So I became numb to it, I tried not to let it affect me. I fully convinced myself I was over you.

The first time I saw you again I got hit with a feeling so hard that it damn near knocked me breathless. I wasn't prepared to see you again. I was walking with a friend and for some reason, something told me to look back and you were behind me.  My heart began to race rapidly and I realized I wasn't over you. The months I have convinced myself you were nothing but a mere face.. Was complete lies. You said hey and my heart sank. How could you be so calm and collect. How could be act as if nothing happened. Like as if you never broke my heart.  What human being had this capability of being so slick? So heartless..evil. You walked away and I felt the tears stream from my face. I still had feelings for you . I still.. Miss you..What is wrong with me?

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