One stormy night

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She ran, footsteps colliding with the ground. Not knowing where to go she ran through the dark forest. No coat to cover her wet body, her hair wet. Small tears ran down her soft cheeks.

The monsters were at war again and the violence was unbearable. The king and queen had to fight but lost, no one to take the throne. The prince disappeared the night before the war, hoping to be never seen again. Lighting struck scaring the poor girl but she didn't stop.

After a while a castle came into view "Shelter" she sighed and continued to run. Reaching the castle she didn't know if entering it was a good idea. Her hand touched the door and she opened it. She quickly shut it to not let the cold in. Candles lighten the room, slowly dancing.

"Hello? Anyone here?" She called out but nobody came. It didn't look like an abandoned place judging by the state. "Look a human" "Shhh, quiet" "What is she doing here?" "What if he finds her?" Whispers were heard. The girl startled she was uncertain of the situation.

The voices continued to whisper scaring her "Hello?" She called but no one answered. Maybe they were shy or scared? That was the question. Suddenly a bang was heard and she ran. Running through the hallways away from the mysterious people. When she looked back she accidently ran into someone causing her to fall.

The figure growled and turned around, his face full of anger. The girl looked up and started to shake "M-m-monster!" She exclaimed. Standing up she ran back to the exit, the monster following her. Reaching the door she couldn't open it. All candles went out, the atmosphere died, no whispers. A pair of eyes could be seen.

She couldn't control her breathing, her eyes wide open, were these her final moments? "What are you doing here?" The voice low and angry. The silence continued, too scared to answer "Answer me!" He exclaimed. The lightening struck showing a shadow of a tall person with horns then back to the darkness.

"I-I wanted to t-take shelter sir" she answered, her voice shakey and full of fear. The monster started to approach her, his loud footsteps echoing. Suddenly his paw slammed against the door right by her face "How dare you" he sounded deep. She could feel his breath on her skin. The girl leaned down, tears forming in her eyes "Please... d-don't kill me" she begged for mercy.

The monster looked down at her, he knew he could kill her easily. Humans did kill his parents and friends. When the girl looked up she saw a symbol on his dress. "He can't kill her, maybe she's the one" a whisper was heard. The monster took his paw off the door and took a step to the voice.

She used this opportunity to run away, but the door didn't open "Open" she begged. The monster looked at her and summoned a fireball. It collided with her causing her to faint. He picked up the girl and opened the door using his key and threw the girl out.

Closing the door he walked away, not regretting anything. One of the figures came out of the shadows and looked at the door "W-we can't l-leave her out t-there" she said. A small dinosaur like monster with glasses and a lab coat. She grabbed her keys and opened the door. Opening the door the girl lied on a step, a burned arm and blood on her head.

Another monster came out and picked her up bridal style. She was a fish with an eye patch. They quickly closed the door and walked away. "We c-can put her i-in the s-spare room" she stuttered as always. The fish lady nodded and they made their way to a room.

Reaching it they opened it and placed her on the bed. The dinosaur lady bandaged her arm and washed the blood of her head. "We'll check on her in the morning" she said and the both of them closed the door and walked away.

Two skeletons stood in the hallway "Will she be OK? A tall skeleton asked. Both of them sighed "I hope s-so, I bandaged her a-arm and removed the blood o-on her head, don't w-worry Papyrus she will be fine" the dinosaur reassured the skeleton named Papyrus.

"What will we say to him?"

Okay so I watched Beauty and the beast and it was awesome. This story is inspired by it.

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