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"Can't you see we're busy here?"

"Get off of her."

I've seen a lot of things before. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. Things I hadn't seen I could probably picture, or at least look up.

Never in a million years could I imagine Shawn looking so angry.

But here he was, standing in front of us with his fists clenched. I could tell that even Nick was scared, because his grip loosened and although he was still smirking, I could see fear in his eyes.

"Listen, how about you give me and Rosie here some time alone, okay?" Nick tells him, and I watch as Shawn turns to look at me for half a second before fixing his gaze on Nick and stepping closer.

"You think being quiet's gonna scare me?" Nick asks, although I can tell he doesn't want to get into a fight with Shawn.

"Not trying to scare you. Just thinking about which side of your face I'm going to punch first."

I raise an eyebrow in surprise at Shawn before Nick lets go, pushing me on the wall in the process.

"Whatever, your girlfriend here's no fun anyways. She's a physco, grabbing me into here. I'm gonna have to make sure everyone knows about how much of an insane, messed up piece of shit she is. Fucking wh-" Nick begins to rant, but is cut off by Shawn's fist greeting his face, and even I can't keep the surprised look off my face.

"You're gonna regret that." Nick spits, and Shawn smirks.

"I don't think I will."

With that, Nick leaves, pulling the door open and storming out, and I'm left standing in front of Shawn wondering what had just happened.

"Did he hurt you?" Shawn asks, stepping forward to me, and I shake my head.

"No, I'm fine."

The hallway is silent after that, before I open my mouth again and begin to speak.

"Thanks, by the way. For what you did."

Shawn looks at me silently before smirking and shaking his head.

"It was nothing. I just hope no cameras caught that. Bad press," He answers, and I smile at him before frowning.

"I seriously do not want to go back to our table with Nick and his group being there." I tell him honestly, and Shawn walks closer before responding.

"Then don't. Follow me."

I watch as Shawn begins to walk away from the door we entered in, and I follow him, going through two doors, an elevator, and ending up at an exit of the building that I hadn't entered through.

We walk out and I notice Shawn pass the area where I knew the cars were parked, which made me wonder two things; where were we going if it was walking distance, and how does he know where to go?

I notice a vast amount of trees coming up, and can't help but want to ask Shawn where we were headed. However I keep my mouth shut and continue to walk as we go through the trees, and after about two more minutes, Shawn speaks.

"Close your eyes."

"Is this an attempt to murder me? Because seriously Shawn, bringing me out here isn't necessary. I'm more than capable of doing the job myself, thanks."

"Funny, but no." He says, and doesn't move until my eyes are shut.

I can hear his footsteps walk away, and hear his voice telling me not to open my eyes. After a while a feel a hand grasp my shoulder, before slipping down to my hand.

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