Chapter 16

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Catherine gets to the next corridor she darts left and stops in the middle of the hallway. Catherine sits down against the hallway wall, curls up, she starts to cry and her tears drop onto her bare stomach.

Catherine slowly stops crying as she hears footsteps on the stone floor.

Lezabel's face slowly appears in the light of the torches as she got closer. Catherine slowly gets up as Lezabel reaches her. Catherine puts her face against Lezabel's chest as Lezabel puts her arms on Catherine's waist. Lezabel picks Catherine up, puts her one hand under Catherine's upper back and puts her left quickly under Catherine's knees. "Let's get you out of this nightmare sweetie you have endured enough" Lezabel says to Catherine softly as she closes her eyes and falls asleep in Lezabel's soft arms. Lezabel starts walking through the hallways and corridors and comes across a light at the last hallway. Lezabel slowly makes her way down the hallway and light gets brighter as she gets closer.  "Almost out of this nightmare Catherine" Lezabel says to herself  as she slowly goes through the bright light at the end of the hallway.

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