Chapter 15

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a few hours later

Catherine opens her eyes with Meri's arms around her and resting her head on Catherine's shoulder the best she could.

"I must of dozed off at some point" Catherine says to herself as she put her arm around Meri to give her some more comfort the best she could.

Catherine starts to struggle with the shackle on her right list and starts banging it against the back wall and after every hit the bolt on the shackle wiggle loose until it falls out make her right hand free. Catherine quickly unbolts her right ankle as she woke up Meri from her rest and quickly unbolts the shackles holding her down on her left. Catherine stands up quickly and unbolts the shackles on Meri's wrists and ankles. They quietly make there way to the door on the far side of the dungeon. Meri quietly opens the door to make sure it didn't squeak. When it was open enough they slip through the crack. They make their way up the spiral stone staircase tiptoeing all the way up to the door. Catherine slowly opens the door and they walk through to the hallway on the other side. They make their way down the hallway to the first corridor. "Let's go left this time" Meri says to Catherine quietly. They make a left and continue on down the next hallway. They come to the next corridor and decide to go right. They make their way down the hallway and start hearing laughter behind them. Catherine and Meri start running down the hallway as the laughter gets louder. Meri slips and falls to the ground and Catherine keeps going not noticing that Meri fell behind as she quickly darts left at the next corridor.

Meri quickly gets up and tries to run but a hand grabs her from behind. "So you think you can get away that easy poor girl like I said you will die no matter if you like it or not" Lezabel says as she forces Meri to turn around to face her. Lezabel grabs Meri by the neck with her right hand and pushes her against the wall. "Let me go" Meri says to Lezabel as she starts to squirm trying to get out of Lezabel's grip on her neck. "Why would I want to do that it's no fun at all if I do that" Lezabel says with an evil smirk on her lips. Lezabel takes her left hand and puts her sharp nails against Meri's left boob and slowly digs them in making Meri squirm more from the pain as she screams. Blood starts seeping out from where the nails dug in. Lezabel puts her nails up to her lips and licks the blood with evil smiling eyes of enjoyment. Lezabel then puts Meri over her shoulder and carries her back down to the dungeon.

Lezabel puts Meri on the very edge of the chair, spreads her legs and puts shackles on her wrists and ankles. Meri starts to squirm and tries to get her wrists out of the shackles. "It's no use Meri you will never get out and you will never leave as you die in this chair" Lezabel states. "I won't go down easy you fuckin bitch" Meri says back as she spits on Lezabel's face. "So thats how it's going to be is it" Lezabel says to Meri with a stern tone.

Meri quiets down and starts to cry. Meri's tears went down her face and onto the floor. "Please don't fuckin kill me Lezabel I will do anything you fuckin ask me to do but please don't fuckin  kill me" Meri says as her body starts to tremble.

"It's already too late darling you will be dead once I am through with you" Lezabel says to Meri as she starts to laugh evilly.

Lezabel starts digging her sharp nails in Meri's arms and drags them until they reach Meri's hands making her arms slowly bleed. Meri screams in dire pain as Lezabel makes her way down to Meri's vagina. Lezabel lowers her head and put her lips against Meri's right boob. Lezabel opens her mouth and puts her teeth against Meri's tit. Lezabel bites down good and hard until Meri's tit is clean off making her right boob bleed. Meri screams even louder and starts to cry even more as the blood oozes out from her right boob.

"Please don't fuckin do this" Meri says to Lezabel. Lezabel laughs evilly as the words came out of Meri's mouth.

Lezabel puts her sharp nails against Meri's belly and drags them to Meri's shaven pubic area leaving red marks and scrapes.

"Ow!" Meri yells out and her eyes squint as the pain runs through her nerves to her brain. She starts to squirm more as the pain gets too much.

"Oh how I love seeing and hearing the pain from your eyes and mouth, it really gives me joy" Lezabel says to Meri.

"Damn it Lezabel let me go you fuckin cunt" Meri says as she lowers her head for a minute because the pain was unbearable.

Lezabel grabs Meri's arms and digs her sharp nails into them. Lezabel drags her nails down to Meri's elbow making a river of blood follow behind her nails.

Meri starts to squirm even hard as the pain seduces her as the blood hardens and cakes onto her soft flesh.

"You heal so easily don't you Meri" Lezabel says with a disbelief as Meri's right tit comes back and the wounds disappear not to be seen.

"This is so going to be more fun and difficult then I thought" Lezabel says to Meri astonished by it.

"I won't fuckin go down that easy you fucker" Meri says to Lezabel with a smirk on her face. Lezabel slaps Meri's face hard with her right hand.

"Ow" Meri says as she starts laughing and plays a little game with Lezabel.

Lezabel takes off the shackles on Meri , grabs her, turns her around, puts her on the floor, puts her chest on the chair and puts the shackles back on her.

Lezabel seeing Meri's vagina and asshole in full view. Lezabel stuff her hand inside of Meri's vagina and digs her nails in and dragging them til they got to the outside edge of Meri's vagina.

"Ouch!" Meri says as her eyes cringe from the pain. "Is that all you got" Meri says to Lezabel with a stutter in her voice.

Lezabel digs her nail even further and starts to vigorously pull until her skin and muscle rips from her vagina. Blood starts oozing out and starts to flow like a river.

"Ooooooowwwww" Meri yells as she endures the pain from the infliction and her body quickly heals making new muscle and skin quickly appear on her vagina.

"This isn't working" Lezabel says to herself as she quickly takes the shackles off of Meri, grabs her, puts her back onto the chair facing her and puts the shackles back on Meri's wrists and ankles.

"You will never kill me Lezabel just face the facts" Meri spits out as she lowers her head from exhaustion.

"I need to tire her completely out if I can do that she can not heal herself and she will bleed to death" Lezabel says to herself.

Lezabel picks up Meri's head with her right hand and forces Meri's mouth open. She then puts her left middle finger and pinky into Meri's mouth and makes her gag. Lezabel takes them out and puts her left hand against her hip as she lets go of Meri's head with her right hand.

Lezabel puts her left hand against Meri's left boob and puts her right hand against Meri's right boob. Lezabel digs her nails in and piercing through to her bones and turns her hands in a circular motion. Lezabel pulls her nails out, it starts to ooze blood as they slowly heal but only half way and continues to bleed as Meri passes out in the chair completely.

"Finally it is time" Lezabel says as she takes the shackles off and stands her up with her right hand. Lezabel takes her left hand and digs her nails into Meri's vagina and pulls muscle and skin out and showing bone. Making it bleed like a river. Lezabel puts her left hand against Meri's left tit and rips it off of her body and throws it on the ground making it bleed like a river. Lezabel makes her way to Meri's right tit, grabs her  tit and pulls it clean off making it bleed like a river. Meri's skin starts to go pale as the blood drains from her body until there was no blood left to flow out of Meri's veins.

"Finally it is done, now to go get Catherine and get her out of this nightmare as well as tell her everything will be okay now" Lezabel says to herself

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