Chapter 9

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The black widow ties the ropes on Lofn's wrists and ankles. The black widow undoes the shackles on the chair and pulls Lofn up to her feet. The black widow drags Lofn back to the dark side of the dungeon. The black widow pushes Lofn down, against the wall and puts her back into the shackles. The black widow unties Lofn's wrists and ankles and puts the rope back into the bag. The black widow stands up and puts the bag over her shoulder as she starts to walk away from Lofn.

The black widow slams the door behind her as she goes through the door. The black widow starts walking up the step and you could hear her feet until they fade away. Lofn still crying leans her head on Catherine's shoulder the best she could. "Everything will be okay Lofn, we will get out of here" Catherine says. "I sure hope so Catherine, because it seems like the torture will never end" Lofn says with a stutter in her voice as she closes her eyes.

The dungeon starts getting darker as the sun sets in the west. The dungeon starts getting eerie as you start to hear the crickets chirping. The dungeon having a darker glow then normal that night. You start hearing quiet laughter coming from the left side of the dungeon. Catherine, Lofn, Meri and Delilah held each other close the best they could with the shackles on their ankles and wrists. The laughter starts getting louder and Catherine, Lofn, Meri and Delilah start getting frightened. They start seeing a dark figure on the left side of the dungeon making it's way to the chair in the middle of the dungeon floor. It's face starts to show as it gets closer to the only light that's in the dungeon. It was a female with long flowing black hair that went down to her knees. She has dark brown eyes and tan skin like when bathing in the sun on the beach. She has small ears with a small nose. She is 5'8" in height and double D breasts with black nail polish on her finger nails. She is wearing full on black leather that's tight to matching all her curves to perfection. She smiles evilly as she sits down on the torture chair. She just sits there still and looks at them with her dark brown eyes. "My name is Lezabel" she finally states with a roar. They hold to each other strongly the best that they can do. Lezabel gets up from the chair and walks over to them slowly. "The next couple of days are going to be fun" Lezabel says with an evil chuckle.

The Dungeon Of Tortured Souls (Torture Series Book #2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن