Chapter 14: Bros Will Be Bros

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(Nathan, Sully, Jason and Sam were creeping up to the next few bushes in front of the control building.)

Jason: "Okay, plan A. We need to take out Vaas's men."

Nathan: "Stealthy."

Sam: "Bro, screw being stealthy. Obviously, they will see us sneaking up on them."

Sully: "Yeah, kid. He's right. They're going in the same spot except making the numbers bigger."

Nathan: "God damn it. Stealth not an option. Any other ideas."

Jason: "Hmm. We could always kill them fast. We need to get inside."

Sam: "Okay, here's the plan. I'll take on everyone on the inside and you guys will take them out on the outside. No weapons. Hand to hand and make their weapons turn on them."

Nathan: "I'm not going to lie. That was a pretty good. Actually, a better one. No noise, just the sound of death. I love it."

Sully: "We need to do it, now."

Jason: "Uh, guys. He's already in the control room." (Sam gestures them to go do their part.)

Sully: "That's our cue." (Nathan went up to one soldier and tapped his shoulder.)

Soldier #9: "What the?" (He turned around and Nathan punched him. The soldier right behind the soldier Nathan killed was shocked. So he tried to alarm the others, but Nathan ran and kicked him in the face. Sully was breaking skulls and breaking arms most likely. Jason was just stabbing them with two knives. He threw one in the guys' forehead and the other in the esophagus area. Sam was just walking up to the two soldiers who were just trying fix the power.)

Sam: "Hey, how are you doing?"

Soldier #6: "Who are you?"

Soldier #8: "Get out."

Sam: "Don't worry, I will. I just need something. Hey, are you using that pen on that desk?"

Soldier #6: "Uh, no."

Sam: "Perfect." (Just like that, Sam hits the soldier with his elbow to make him dizzy and stabbed his hand with a pen and he was yelling in pain. The other soldier took out his AK.)

Soldier #8: "You'll pay for that."

Sam: "Yeah, I doubt that." (The soldier shoots, but Sam dodged it and the bullets hit his friend instead who got stabbed.)

Soldier #8: "No!" (Sam kicked his leg and broke it, then busted his head against the desk.)

Sam: "Good night, gentleman." (He opened the door and looked around the corner.)

Sam: "Everything clear?"

Nathan: "Yep, just about."

Sam: "Good."

Sully: "What a mess. We have to clean this up."

Jason: "Why should we? Clearly, this is a message to show Vaas who he's messing with."

Sully: "Okay, we'll leave them."

Sam: "Let's go and watch this chip."

Nathan: "Yes, let's." (They both walked in.)

Sam: "Jason, there's no need to hack. Apparently, these idiots wrote down their own password." (He tapped at the note with the words on it.)

Jason: "Rakyat. Of course. I should've known that was it."

Nathan: "Now, let's watch that chip."

Sully: "Yes." (Jason puts the chip in and hits the play button. It shows Lara and Vaas at the dinner table.)

Sully: "It's Lara, kid."

Nathan: "Yes, I see that." (They heard the conversation about Vaas is asking for Lara's hand, but she says no because she's married to Nathan. Vaas didn't care, so he grabbed her and Lara kicked him in the groin area and ran away from his camp.)

Vaas: (VID) "Get after her!" (The video ends.)

Nathan: "I'm so ready to kill that psychopath."

Jason: "No, you leave him to me. You just get Lara and you guys run."

Sully: "But what about your grandmother? Won't she be worried about you?"

Jason: "Don't worry. I will beat him and get to you the best way I can. If not, I'll find my own way back home."

Sam: "You sure?"

Jason: "Positive."

Nathan: "Let's see. Lara has escaped, so she has to be somewhere farther than we are." (He looks to the distance. Back to Lara, who was looking for Nathan and the rest of the guys. She went to three different campsites, but no sign of them. Lara took out her walkie talkie and tries to get a signal.)

Lara: "Nathan, Sully, Sam. Can you hear me? It's Lara." (She listens, but no signal. She tries again.)

Lara: "Nathan. Guys, can you hear me? Listen, I'm trying to look for you, but somehow I can't find you. I hope you're safe and I know you are. Please don't get killed." (She walked towards a hut that has lights on and it looks like it's a soldier talking to three people.)

Lara: "Found you. It's been forever since I saw you."

Male Voice: "Yes, Lara. It has." (Turns out it was Vaas himself.)

Lara: "What? You?!"

Vaas: "It's funny, no? We have to stop meeting each other like this. There's a place you need to see, chica. I want you to come with me.

Lara: "No. No way."

Vaas: "That's fine. Then I'll force you to come."

Lara: "No! No! Wait, don't!"

Vaas: "Sorry, chica. Nothing personal." (He punched her in the face to knock her lights out and she grunted.)(Back to Nathan, Sully, Sam and Jason.)

Sully: "Where do you think she could be, kid?"

Nathan: "I don't know. I have feeling that she's..." (Suddenly, his walkie-talkie came to life and it became static at first then her angelic voice came onto the walkie-talkie.)

Lara: (COM) "Nathan, Sully, Sam. Can you hear me? It's me, Lara."

Nathan: "Yes, it's us, Lara."

Lara: (COM) "Listen, I'm trying to look for you, but somehow I can't find you. I hope you're safe and I know you are. Please, don't get killed."

Sully: "Lara, we are safe and sound."

Nathan: "We're trying to find you."

Lara: (COM) "Found you. It's been forever since I saw you."

Male Voice: (COM) "Yes, Lara. It is."

Lara: (COM) "What? You?!"

Vaas: (COM) "It's funny, no? We have to stop meeting each like this. There's a place you need to see, chica. I want you to come with me."

Lara: (COM) "No. No way."

Vaas: (COM) "That's fine. Then I'll force you to come."

Lara: (COM) "No! No! Wait, don't!"

Vaas: (COM) "Sorry, chica. Nothing personal."

Lara: (COM) (Grunts) (Then the walkie-talkie went back to static.)

Sam: "Damn it! He got Lara."

Sully: "This is terrible."

Jason: "We must rescue Lara."

Nathan: "And take down Vaas. Let's find her, now." (They went to the north to investigate where Lara went to.)

(End of Chapter 14: Bros Will Be Bros)

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